Mid January Hatch thread....

Good hatching vibes to you...
Hope more start pipping!!!
Go chicks, go! You may have to wait longer if your temps are low. Is your incubator in a room with stable temps? That helps.

I think the temp is right now. One of my thermometers is just not working right. The room they are in is pretty stable. Two more pipps and a few rocking. I locked my hens out of the coop today so the broodies would be left alone and they are so mad right now! Guess I need another coop.....lol. I'm a little worried about having little chicks around the adults though. I have seen them eat a live bird and catch mice and eat them:sick
Oh, I am FREAKING out now!!
I candled all of my 48 eggs last night... Most are doing great...I removed 8 clear or duds. So, after I candled.. I notice the incubator temp was low 96*. I thouhgt it was due to the candling so I decided to watch it for a few hours to see if it would come back up without adjusting... It would fluxuate up to 98*.. then, down to 96* again. Oh, how I wish I could have got on here last night to ask what to do. This morning, It is still doing the 2* up & down rise & fall. It hasn't gone below 96* but I know that is too low. I have a sportman 1266... I am on day 11 of the hatch. I also, have a LG 9200 still air that I was going to use for hatching... It is up and running but I have heard so many "HORROR" stories about them... I don't know if I should put the egg in the LG or try to get the kinks out of the sportsman 1266. I don't want to lose these eggs( they aren't valuable). They are just my first hatch & have been doing really well. What should I do?
I'm not sure what you should do!!! I guess I wouldn't move them, just tinker with the incubator to get the temps up a little higher if possible...

How nerve wracking for you!!!
My eggs should hatch this weekend which i'm hoping they wait until saturday since we are expecting nasty cold weather tomorrow and friday, I candled them last night and the silkie eggs have the air sacs are the big end and i saw 2 teeny little heads in postion i didn't want to bother them to much so i did a quick look and my turken eggs are looking good they are brown and hard to see thru now they should hatch next week. I'm hoping my silkie will sit on them until hatch.
I'm not sure what you should do!!! I guess I wouldn't move them, just tinker with the incubator to get the temps up a little higher if possible...

How nerve wracking for you!!!

Yes, VERY nerve wracking!! I am going to leave them until I get off at 4pm, then I will move them if I can't get it back up to the right temp. Thanks
Emptywagon2, my thermostat crashed not long after the eggs were set, and I don't know how long as this was when I woke up and found it. I had another coolerbator running in the basement as an experiment, and swapped out the thermostats and everything has been good since. Not sure how long it would take to swap out the stat on your's, mine only took a few minutes.
I'm officially in lockdown.... I cannot seem to stop checking on them! I do believe this is going to be the longest three days of my life...

DH is convinced I am going to wear a path in the floors... from the computer to the incubator....and back again.


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