Mid January Hatch thread....

exciting!hope they hatch soon!
Our one egg that our broody silkie is sitting on is due to hatch (hopefully) on the 10th. I have a question though..... First time hatching and have her in large dog cage in basement. We just have a bowl in there for water for her. I read that the baby chick likes to throw themselves into the water, will the momma keep the chick from doing this, I work a 12 hour shift on Tuesday so will be gone from 0630 to around 2030 that night. I just would hate to see a little chick that has drowned when I get home. Should I get a small waterer to put in there instead of a bowl?
Went into lockdown this morning with 12. Number 13's veining was gone and there was a black cloud with tentacles growing inside. It looked like one of my polish has already internally pipped. This is the hard part for me.
I guess I'm out on the MID-January part but I set my first eggs on thurs evening so I'm trying to learn from you hatchers that are a bit ahead of me! So if I set at 7pm on the 5th, then my hatch date is the 27th? I was thinking 21 days would be the evening of the 26th :-/ gosh this is gonna be a long 3 weeks, I've barely made it the 3 days! I sit and watch and nothing happens
I mean they could at least roll around for me or something!

Ok patience... But it's 330 am and I can't sleep for thinking about little fuzzy chickie butts
Yep, I'd plan on the 26th/27th for hatching.

I was in bed, but I just *knew* my third egg was about to hatch, and sure enough, it accommodated me within 10 minutes.

Three more have pipped but haven't done anything else in a good 10-12 hours.
We candled our eggs last night (day 7) and were tickled to find dancing babies swimming around in several of them! We made a short video of a particularly active one & noted all of our current findings. If anyone wants to see it, its on our website this morning (www.wantless.net)


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