Mid January Hatch thread....

I got my 2nd pipped chick last night. I have 12 more eggs in there and I don't see much happening. The first chick that hatch of this 2nd batch wasn't very strong. This 2nd one hatched and guess what? It's HUGE compared to the other one. The first one was from a pullet egg and it's the most adorable thing! It is finally up on it's feet and trying to climb all the other eggs. It can walk around them, but no, it has to try to go over them! It does look under developed, though.

(Blue Columbian/Columbian bantam Cochin)

(Hatch mate, Lavender bantam Cochin)
Reyvaughn... too sweet! I'm sure you will post when they are fluffy, not gooey, right???

I feel like I laid those eggs myself, I had so much emotion invested... FIL says, "whatever you do, don't get attached to your farm animals, death happens" DH says "too late, she loves them already"
I too feel life should only let happiness rule, but without the downs, how would we know when we are up???

Thanks to you both! I am very attached already. This is my first hatch..It is amazing watching them fight to get out of those hard as steel egg shells!

Two of mine ( the last two hatched) can stand up but move around on their stomachs...kinda squatted-like. Is this normal? The first two popped right up on their legs and took off..so this makes me worry.
Thanks to you both! I am very attached already. This is my first hatch..It is amazing watching them fight to get out of those hard as steel egg shells!

Two of mine ( the last two hatched) can stand up but move around on their stomachs...kinda squatted-like. Is this normal? The first two popped right up on their legs and took off..so this makes me worry.

they just may be egg-hausted....lol

if they are not up and moving around after a couple more hours then you may have some little issues... are yolks absorbed on them? i know one of mine did that because there was still some belly button closing that was going on... fingers crossed for you...
Well, that's it. No more chicks. 11 of 2 dozen hatched - 2 died. 2 out of a dozen hatched, so far they are alive. So, 11 alive of 36 eggs. I know, shipped eggs are a crap shoot, but I can't help thinking the morning of hatch's incubator issues caused most of these issues. I had rockers that never pipped and died in the shell. I am so ticked off about this incubator and GQF telling me there is a slim to none chance the thermostat malfunctioned on it's first time out. I'm sorry, but the room the incubator was in dealt with 15 degree differences with little adjustment from me. Then all of a sudden a cold morning (not the coldest we had over the last month it's been running) it drops to 88 degrees and I wouldn't gain temps even turned all the way up (it was running at a full turn below all the way up) and the ambient temps raised to 75 degrees. After a day of fighting with it and wrapping it in a blanket, I managed to get it to 99. It maintained a 99-100 degree temp wrapped in a blanket up until the 2nd hatch day. There is no way this is normal and there is definitely something wrong with the incubator.

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