Midnight majesty marans

I recently purchased some Midnight Majesty Maran chicks from my local Rural King store. I had never heard of this breed before and I can’t seem to find much information about them. They were labeled as hybrids so that generally means good egg layers? Can anyone educate me as to the origin and characteristics of this strain?
The lady that works@my store said they get the Chicks from Hoover hatchery.My Grandkids got some of them
I'm gonna contend that they aren't pure Marans either way. My nest guess is a cross of more prolific laying breed with the Marans rooster who passes his egg color onto his female offspring.

If it were simply a black or black copper bred to be more prolific, seems like they would jack the price up and sell them as such.

A local friend crossed his red sex links to one of my Marans roosters. Surprise ALL the female offspring lay Marans colored eggs.

Many people who want the Marans eggs don't care about putting birds on their table. Since ALL eggs are white underneath... they could technically be crossed to anything. And many times the feathered legs dominate any non feathered legged crosses I hatched.

Are they or aren't they sex linked? Anybody know?

Can't wait to see what the roosters look like! Glad the hatcheries are paying attention and trying to get the people what they want. :thumbsup
A friend messaged me about some she saw on FB. The guy wanted $5.00 each said He has 4 left .straight run..I Would have liked to SAW the rest of His stock.He wasn't for that .Said He would meet @the Wal-Mart close to the town over . I ASK for pics of the parents.Said I don't have any. So I told Him "Thanks for your time but I'm going to pass.
I bought some straight from the hatchery. I sold one and 4 died. Of the 5 I have left (all supposed to be female) 2 have alot of brown feathering and 2 are solid black with white tips on their wings and one is solid black with no feathers on feet. They are about 6 weeks old.
I turned out my ten, eight week old, female Midnight Majestic Marans with the adult Australorp flock this week. Everyone getting along fine. Nine of them look like black Marans, 1 is more brown??? Hover told me they will not breed true. They should have named them Mystery Midnight Marans because there is so little info out there right now.

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