MIGRAINES - update pg 9

Yes, I forgot to put msg in my list of things to avoid. The worst part about it is that food companies are allowed to not list it and just say "natural flavorings" on the label. Soy sauce is very high in it also.
Good advice.

People that don't suffer from migraines don't understand. I used to spend about 40% of the time in severe pain. On my 30th birthday I suffered a mild stroke from one. They are a serious problem. I used to spend my life in so much pain that I would wake up every morning, and my first though would be, "Am I in pain?" When a migraine would finally stop after 2 - 5 days of piercing pain, I would wake up and in pure bliss. I thank God that those days are behind me. I still get them but not so frequently.
If you are female, the ONE thing I would recommend if you have awful migraines is a hysterectomy.

I no longer get the monthly migraine where I would lay there and pray sincerely "Please take me now!"
All I know is this. I have had migraines and the doctor asked me if when I took some meds, if I was back to normal. I told her I don't know what NORMAL IS!!! One thing is look for triggers. For me Cheese, Milk and chocolate are real triggers. I try to limit my access to them. Also (I know this sounds weird) Potato chips. I can eat potato chips and within an hour I have a massive migraine.

One doctor recommended plain old Bayer asperin. I have not tried that yet. Nothing else seems to help it only numbs the senses so you don't CARE if you have a migraine. Unless you could drill a hole in your head to relieve the pressure of which I have contemplated on many occasions. Sorry i cannot help but that is all I know.
My DD and GD are on Topamax, I usually use a couple goody powders dissolved in some coke and lay down for a few mins. works for me. Be careful about the throwing up, My DIL was sick for about 3 years from human parvo,and due to all the throwing up,she now has polyps on her vocal cords and can't talk at all. Hard for a motor mouth of 34.She carries a pad and paper with her to write everything. marrie
I've read that they've recently discovered that when a person gets a migrane, their stomach/digestive system goes into a temporary paralysis, so it's important if you want to take something for it, to take it right away, otherwise the pill will not have any effect. That said, when I am in the throes of a migrane, if my husband is around I have him give me a light massage on the back of my neck, sort of right at the base of my skull, and then down to my shoulders. It doesn't necessarily make it go away, but I find that if I'm able to keep my neck and shoulders somewhat relaxed, the pain is lessened. Also, I often try visualization type relaxation type stuff, to keep from stiffening up and making it worse.
Also (I know this sounds weird) Potato chips. I can eat potato chips and within an hour I have a massive migraine.

If you look at the Ingredients on the bag of chips, they usually list MSG. That is one reason I can't eat most chips either

due to all the throwing up,she now has polyps on her vocal cords and can't talk at all

No worries... I usually only throw up once during a migraine.​
I have heard you guys talk about "goodys", and that they have acteminophen, aspirin and caffiene. Thats the same thing that is in excedrine. Be careful that you dont take both of these together...too much of aspirin and acteminophen can really hurt your liver.

Anyway!! I also get migraines and I usually take 3 excedrine migraine and 3 Ibuprofen. That normally helps me
I've read that they've recently discovered that when a person gets a migrane, their stomach/digestive system goes into a temporary paralysis,

You're right ... I think that is one reason we often end up throwing up!

TMI -- if I eat, and then get a migraine, I can throw up what I ate even 6 hours later.​
Be careful that you dont take both of these together...too much of aspirin and acteminophen can really hurt your liver.

Anyway!! I also get migraines and I usually take 3 excedrine migraine and 3 Ibuprofen. That normally helps me

True, you shouldn't go overboard with the acetamenophen and aspirin, but taking them together is an accepted treatment for Migraines.

All of these can hurt your stomach, kidneys, liver taken in too high doses or taken too often.
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