Mille Cochin Info

Looking good, Mike! I wonder if they remember each other? :gig  I'm sure Tiffany was too young, Tuba too probably, but Max, maybe? Wonder if he remembers Harry & Sandy and Rugar - they were all in the same pen until I sent Max to you. Harry especially, they were hatched and raised together.
Is that Nigus with Sandy? He's your chick, isn't he? I'm really interested to see how he matures. I have a feeling he's going to be gorgeous.

Ok, this explains a LOT! I was looking at Mikes Rugar and thought, 'that's my Christina!' Christina hatched out of eggs I got from you, Nancy.

So I have finally hatched out some test eggs from that penn, I've got 2 blonde chicks being raised by my broodies. Can't wait to. See their pattern and type.
Who's next ?

I am about sick of posting pics. Since the last update I have had more problems with posting pics. I think it's because I hate google chrome and will only use it to upload pics.

This pullet is just starting to show colors for the mille fleur.

This pullet has shown the black tips for quite some time but is putting out more white now. I think she is going to be nice looking.

It is going to be interesting to see how she turns out.

An odd view I know but I love his colors. He is a pretty rooster. :D

Pardon the poopy coop. We have some meat chickens in there and man they are the poopiest poop machines ever!! It was our first cold morning and the roosters do not like it!! lol.
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love that roo. How old is he?

those pics are great. Your chicks are feathering out like my oldest frizzle chick. I have 2 others that are blue based and one darker mille. I can't wait to see how all of our frizzles look once matured.

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