Mille Cochin Info

i'd have eggs available, IF they would start laying again...  I had 2 girls back laying again, then a black rat snake had to go visiting and stopped in for lunch (2 eggs) so now I haven't gotten an egg in over a week!

and yes, the snake was caught (easily, she couldn't get thru the wire!) and relocated. (i'll kill poisonous ones, but black rat snakes eat the bad ones too!)

Wow that stinks !!!
you got the last ones laid...  the ones I set were the older group.  fertility for me is 100% on that pen tho (when I DO get eggs) so I know Kepiru knows his job. LOL

Yeah ... egg production has really come to a halt here with molting and cooler weather. My Polish have all but stopped laying for now. I get maybe 4 or 5 eating eggs from my layers. All my chickens are on break. :D
well, everyone had quit, some started back up, then I did the chicken hokie pokie, moved birds, coops, rearranged everyone, moved some again into their new permanent homes, sold a couple more, etc.

I have 2 more dorking girls to go and some ee babies and 1 cochin roo that can go or stay, I don't really care. LOL. and i'll be moving more around soon, as i'm working on my next 2 pens. hoping to have them done next week or so, depending if I go to the swap tomorrow or not.

leaning towards 'not' except maybe to see what's available and take the chicks for a drive for a bit. LOL otherwise we either need to unload a round bale and hide it from the horses, or unload 2 HUGE desks off the trailer (and steal the tent that's over them). all for the possibility of making maybe $50 (and half of that would feed the truck)... I think my time would best be spent working on pens, and i'll post the birds on craigslist.

on the plus side, I got 2 eggs out of my bbs mottled pen today! one hen, one pullet! 2 more pullets to go but they're a few weeks younger. hatched early april, the ones laying now hatched late feb./early march. blue mottled roo, the girls are 2 blue 1 black mottled and one blue split mottled.
well, everyone had quit, some started back up, then I did the chicken hokie pokie, moved birds, coops, rearranged everyone, moved some again into their new permanent homes, sold a couple more, etc.

I have 2 more dorking girls to go and some ee babies and 1 cochin roo that can go or stay, I don't really care. LOL.  and i'll be moving more around soon, as i'm working on my next 2 pens. hoping to have them done next week or so, depending if I go to the swap tomorrow or not.

leaning towards 'not' except maybe to see what's available and take the chicks for a drive for a bit. LOL  otherwise we either need to unload a round bale and hide it from the horses, or unload 2 HUGE desks off the trailer (and steal the tent that's over them).  all for the possibility of making maybe $50 (and half of that would feed the truck)...  I think my time would best be spent working on pens, and i'll post the birds on craigslist.

on the plus side, I got 2 eggs out of my bbs mottled pen today!  one hen, one pullet! 2 more pullets to go but they're a few weeks younger. hatched early april, the ones laying now hatched late feb./early march.  blue mottled roo, the girls are 2 blue 1 black mottled and one blue split mottled.

Blue mottled ? Wow never seen one

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