Mille Fleur D'uccle eggs 15.00 for eight ready to go.

Hi Becky,

Please keep the updates coming, and pics! I also have some of her eggs in the bator. If they survive the crazy weather fluctuations we are having here they are due to hatch on Christmas. I am happy to report that the first candling showed 100% fertility.
Oh, you guys are killing me! I bought eggs from her, and am waiting on them to be delivered. They better get here today, or I'll be at the PO waiting in the morning. Can't wait to get them settled in the bator. I've got 4 Mille and 3 Porcelain d'Uccles that are 2 weeks old, and they are just adorable. I had Mille's about 25 yrs ago, and my little rooster was the most personable bird I've ever know. My kids used to show him at the fair every year, and it got to where he was on a first name basis with all the visitors...LOL Definitely THE breed for kids to show. COME ON EGGS!!!
Well, I have ended up with 4 chicks! They are so tiny to me after just hatching standard chicks. These look like little quail chicks to me. Two of them are still in the incubator but tomorrow I will try to get a picture for you all when they are all in the brooder.
I have really enjoyed testing eggs and am pleased to spread the news that these eggs are so good even when shipped.
Becky crack me up. Zoo basement, me too! And the garage....and a spare bedroom............where does this madness end? Divorce? I think it might!

But then if it keeps me sane what the hay!
I was looking for such a post as this, this morning while drinking my coffee! Then I went out to the coop and yesterday of my three young ones, one laid her first egg so of my three young ones grew a tall comb last night! So I'll wait and see if my lil roo boy and two girls will begin a family... YAHOO! Now to find where I can keep them separate and pure...
Sounds good. These are the quietest, sweetest chicks I have had. I just can't wait to see how they grow and whether they are cockrels or hens.
Darn....where is Hangin Wit My Peeps ???? Hope everything is alright with her, since she hasn't replied to this thread in several days.

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