Mille Fleur D'uccle Hatch-Along! Hatch date April 25, 2021!

Well, it's day 3, and candling isn't looking great. My friend did say they weren't sure if the rooster was still interested with the hens. I'm going to keep hoping, and candle days 4 and 5.
Crap. Glad I got a hygrometer in there. My house's humidity may be 50%, but the bator's was 27%. I added water. Will that affect whether the eggs have quit or not?
There are at least 5 developing.
There are at least 5 developing.
There are at least 5 developing.

Not gonna lie, I maybe teared up a little bit when I saw veins. I was so sure none of them were going to develop. I know, I know, don't count your chickens before they hatch!
Day 10 today. I've got two for sure developing and a possible quitter. Lotta clears, 3 blood rings. Chucking anything not viable at tonight's candling. I'm going to bury them in the front yard- keeps dog and chickens away, and feels more respectful than chucking them in the trash.
Final countdown! Just removed all the dead eggs. 3 blood rings, one quitter, rest infertile. Day 11!

Temp/humidity is off because I had just put the lid back on.
We've got wobblers! It was a response to tapping outside the incubator. I stopped the turner and put in the hatching mat and more water this morning. :fl

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