Mini Sebastopol geese in an Urban backyard??????


Crossing the Road
Apr 4, 2017
Sandusky Ohio
I live in an urban area and have about 1/4 of an acre. I have 16 chickens and am thinking about Mini Sebastopols. Can't find much info about the minis online. How loud are they? How much space do they require? Would a a large galvanized water trough be enough for them to use? I don't want to breed so I'm thiking 2 females. Anyone out there have minis?
From what i know Sebastopols are pretty quiet and calm.Geese should have access to grass through the spring,summer and fall so a 1/4 acre might get worn out quick.Will they be housed with the chickens?Geese can sometimes be mean during the mating season even the females.I water trough might do but the bigger the better when it comes to geese.
I breed and raise mini sebastopols.
Just like any breed of geese, the more space and grass you have for them the better.
They are a fairly quiet breed and tend to be noisy only when something is out of place as well as during breeding season.
A large trough is plenty, they do not NEED a pond.
Can you legally keep them? I can’t imagine keeping geese in an urban area. They aren’t that quiet when they do talk.
Geese are messy, especially if you have a pool. They create mud and people generally complain about the amount of poop.
Can you legally keep them? I can’t imagine keeping geese in an urban area. They aren’t that quiet when they do talk.
Geese are messy, especially if you have a pool. They create mud and people generally complain about the amount of poop.
No permit required. Although individual towns may have ordinances and restrictions

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