Minimal mowing !!!

I used to travel a lot so didn't keep up on mowing and claimed my yard was a firefly habitat. Now I'm married, don't travel, and my husband likes to keep the yard tidy looking. We still have fireflies thankfully 😊
I do like to keep areas of the yard long for the wildlife. The long grass and flowers attract lots of bugs which attract birds and bats, etc. And of course, the rabbits, deer, groundhogs, and my own sheep love it too.
I'm impatiently waiting on the swallowtail butterflies to come lay eggs on our carrots. We finally had a garden last year and I found some caterpillars on the carrot tops, they almost were fed to the chickens but I thankfully looked them up first then had a blast watching them grow from tiny worms that looked like bird droppings, into big caterpillars. Every time I saw a butterfly after that I wondered if it was one of "ours"!

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