
anyone can join in

The pup is chocolate lab X german short hair.

60 % nose
20 % paws and legs
10 % mouth
10 % brains

hopefully the gray matter percentage grows

she is a sweet heart

i have walked her off leash right through the chickens all day....... she could care less
the chickens are more interested in her
I miss goose hunting, especially the early season when it is still nice out.
It was the late 90's the last time i went with a group of guys i worked with at the time.

i have a browning 10 gauge artillery piece collecting cobwebs.
anyone can join in

The pup is chocolate lab X german short hair.

60 % nose
20 % paws and legs
10 % mouth
10 % brains

hopefully the gray matter percentage grows

she is a sweet heart

i have walked her off leash right through the chickens all day....... she could care less
the chickens are more interested in her

Hummmmm.... german chocolate cake... CocoaMocha? still thinking, there's a name in there somewhere!
well, better late than never but we are working on haying some of our land. We finally got someone with equipment to come over. Some hay is better than no hay. We are cutting right now. Trying to do what we can before the next round of rain comes in. Very exciting for me. We are doing it!!
i just got in and cleaned up from cutting trees today. two monster cottonwoods are down and cut up. unfortunately i did knock the top off of one of my windbreak pine trees. I am fully exhausted and ready to sit!

also, my 2 yr old nephew visited at lunch and got to see my chickens for the first time. i wish i could have snapped a photo of his face the first time he heard a rooster crow!! i got him some grain scratch and set him near the fence. After he got down calling "Chook chook!" he had a blast feeding them one grain at a time haha!

anyone can join in

The pup is chocolate lab X german short hair.

60 % nose
20 % paws and legs
10 % mouth
10 % brains

hopefully the gray matter percentage grows

she is a sweet heart

i have walked her off leash right through the chickens all day....... she could care less
the chickens are more interested in her

Female? Heidi.
Male? Walter.
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I think the breed should be known as " Wilhelm Wonka" As in the chocolate factory..

( well sorta) Maybe a "German Lab Miester",, or a Shorthaired Germy Lab")

All out of good ideas, I am tired and beat. Been working too hard, Then to top it off I had to cull my Blue turkey hen with the chicks. One of my best setting turkeys!

She got a wound today and ripped 3/4 the skin off her breast. I have seen lessor wounds take a bird after a couple weeks of festering. I decided to be pro-active and processed her tonight. I cut all the meat that was exposed off, but I still have a pretty good turkey for next weekend. ( Or Thursday which ever comes first.)

It could have been worse, Ethel was with her. I would like to blame this on the guineas but I have no idea how. I have all but 2 guineas in a cage. Their days of running free here are over! The 2 that are left will either let me catch them so I can sell them, OR they will be Sundays meal. I can pick around the shot, it never bothers me.

I put Ethel in a hospital room for observation. She has no injuries, but her and Blue were overly excited about their chicks being in a run they could not be in. I tried keeping them in the run, but they were beating the crap out of my creamettes. Again I find myself short on runs.

I will have open runs when the CX's go to camp. I may have to build more in the spring, or this fall, if my DW does not notice me doing it. She has some silly idea I have enough bird pens.

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