
Hey!!! the quail are coming this morning, right before I go fishing. Expect pictures soon. I have to go see about living quarters, they are coming with a cage that they live in but I would like to see them have contact with the ground and probably can make the small coop work for them.
The quail are interesting to me LaLa. If you get them let us see some pictures.

One thing I've heard is that in their space people have provided branches with leaves to give them a little happy covering. If I'm not mistaken Two crows here on BYC has quail and does that. But honestly I know nothing too much about them.
That's a nice wood shed you're building!

After the clutch find... I waited all day and no eggs. Lots of trying or pretending though with 3 of the girls.

Sorry about the broody momma turkey Ralphie. But if that was her design in the end then at least you have one down.

It's a gorgeous day and I feel overwhelmed with tasks outside. Camper winterized. Flower garden weeding. Vegetable garden deweed and harvest what's left except carrots.
I have some landscaped retaining walls that are full of Russian sage and Canadian thistle. And becoming more full of the latter.

Projects projects projects.
Exciting Lala!
Bogtown-the projects are never ending around here!! I feel so overwhelmed sometimes when I start to think of everything.
Ralphie- how far are you from me driving time? DH thinks you are too far away and I did have problems this winter bringing in birds that got mine sick, had to depopulate. We vowed all in all out. But I feel your birds would be healthy. Your thoughts?

Guess what happened last night to a farm a couple miles from me? They had their duck house broken/tore into and their ducks taken. HMMM sounds familiar. Told her to call the DNR to get on record. Their family traps so they are setting things up tonight.
How do I teach a young hen to properly lay eggs? Her comb is now bright red. Every morning under her spot on the roost is a broken egg, laid from the roost and plopped right onto the poop board. Ugh. I have 7 layers and 3 nest boxes....you would think after a week of this bull she could figure it out.
Rhett I am not sure how long it would take to drive here, but he is probably right.

Do a mapquest to Zimmerman and see. I am thinking over 3 hours.

I wish them luck, Wolves are really hard to trap. Well, they were for me, but then I never was trying to get one of them, I was after coyotes and fox, and even they are hard to trap. Their noses are too good and they can spot something that is not right very fast.
Yeah Ralphie it is 3 hours from me to you. Bummer. I will talk to him one more time and get a final answer. I know he really wanted guinea. Can't justify the 30 minimum from Mcmurray either. I was unable to talk other family members on going in with me this spring.

Have a beautiful day my Minnesota friends. The sun is shining and the temp is wonderful. Won't last long!! We are haying and canning. What a great day!!
We talk on here about how some threads are.

I started a turkey thread awhile back for those of us with turkeys and not needing the uppityness of some people. It is a laid back thread. Like this one. Look at the exchange here when a person asked what a Creamette is...... Hopefully he/she will leave the turkey thread. It is so pretentious I had to share it with you.

That is sad. I love the name "Creamettes"! :D
thanks for the info on quail. I told her I would take them, but don't know if it will happen. They are apparently bobwhite quail, these people live in burnsville and get some every spring. Then in the winter they just let them loose to fend on their own (read - die, wouldn't you think?). So I am hoping they follow through with the quail.

And apparently quail don't have the suicidal tendancies of guineas, either. Not sure about how they interact , or if they do, with chickens.

I am actually checking into being able to hatch and release Bobwhites. They have drastically dropped in numbers in the wild in our state and according to some are endangered. Like pheasants, I am quite certain that they can be released and survive easily, being a foraging game bird. Not like chickens who would get munched in a day or two if let loose, I think.
I want to keep some, but I think it would be good to hatch and release at an appropriate age to rebuild the wild population of them. I have seen about 20 or so around our property, but sightings have been few and far between.
We talk on here about how some threads are.

I started a turkey thread awhile back for those of us with turkeys and not needing the uppityness of some people. It is a laid back thread. Like this one. Look at the exchange here when a person asked what a Creamette is...... Hopefully he/she will leave the turkey thread. It is so pretentious I had to share it with you.

Careful now, you may get on the elite triple secret probation list!

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