
It is the guy that has like a 3 tier cage set up with pairs in each? I think he shows up with only OEGB's and Rosecombs. I can't think of his name right now, but can picture him. He usually shows up at the Hutch Game Breeders swap and sometimes the larger spring swaps in New Ulm.

At the shows, you will probably run into Kurt Dullinger. He comes down from northern MN and breeds some very nice OEGB. I can't say for sure what colors he all has though.
I've met up with both them guys, neither one has mille fleur but they both have beautiful birds. I bought a pair of spangles from the Eisenbacher brothers and a few blues from Kurt. Kurt lives about 40 minutes from my place and I've talked to him quite often (learned alot). I haven't seen milles for a few years now, maybe I'll have to try Waverly.
Hi fellow Minnesotans. My husband and i just starting raising chickens in may in little falls, mn. We have 90 rare assorted breeds of chickens... and also pekin ducks. we use to have mallard ducks but they flew the coop (no pun intended) We just got done clipping flight feathers recently and now we are getting the coop ready for winter. Just enjoying everything about them so far:)
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Welcome Acsmitt!!! I live in Brainerd and have assortment of Layers and Black Assie's as breeders. I also have Calls and Rouens. I am selling off my mix breed ducks.

I think you would need a permit for your mallerds as they came from the wild and not a hatchery. I may be wrong too. I am glad you found us, more is alway's welcome here.

Welcome to the best addiction I've ever had: BYC It's a labrynth(sp) of learnng


one of our email address starts acsmith....
We are near Bemidji.
Hey Kris... I only live about 14 miles from New Ulm. There are 2 swaps in Hutchinson... Sept. 8th is the MSPA one and Sept. 15th is the MN Game Breeders. Unfortunately I have to work 10-12 hours on both of those days and thus won't be going to either one. I hope to get down to the big Waverly IA one on Sept. 23rd. The next New Ulm bird event is the BCPPA Fall Classic Poultry Show on Oct. 12-14th. You can buy/sell birds there as well. Amy

Are you going to the show Amy? I posted that last question and then forgot to check back. Glad to see you on BYC. Also Hi bantiesrule :frow And everyone else :frow

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