
Hello from Brainerd!!!! I do have some Production Rhode Island Roosters for sale, I am asking $10.00. I have to many right now, I also have some ducks if you are interested. Glad to see you found us!!

AKA Heidi
Hi Missa,
I am not sure what is PDZ is, can you elaborate on what it is? Sorry I haven't gotten back to ya, it has been crazy here at the farm. Hope all is well and yes its getting colder here too.

Hi Heidi,

It's been crazy busy here, too. Sweet PDZ is a mineral substance called zeolite. Acts like the best cat litter in the world, neutralizes the ammonia from the droppings and you can just scoop the poop like you would clumping kitty litter...only the only thing that gets thrown out is the poop and a very thin layer of the PDZ. This stuff practically eiminates all the smelliness from the coop. Great stuff, it is.

PS can't buy any more chicken right now. (so says the guy with the final word/ :) Still adjusting to the new rooster and we've had him for 2 months.
Hi Missa, I have never heard of the stuff before but I will deffinitly look for it for ya. I just lost my main Rooster today so I am gonna let my Two Roosters who are brothers out with all my girls in the morning. I will be keeping my other RIR rooster for now. I totally understand about not getting anyother chickens. I just bought 3 BA's from a 4-H er from the fair. Her birds got 1st and was unable to take them to the State Fair and mine got 2nd. If you know of anyone who is looking for some Rouen Drakes (ducks) I have a few I need to get rid of. Hope all goes well. Have you heard of any cougar attacks your way? We just got two attacks within 30 miles from here and one has been sited within our area. It is really scary so my husband goes every where outside with me as I'm handycaped. Thank god we both now how to shoot a gun without thinking about it when our lives are in danger from an animal. Be safe up there in gods country.

Hi Heidi,

Interesting that you're bringing up the cougar subject. My understanding is that these were not native to our area but that the DNR brought them in for deer population control. Without consulting the public....and have now put us and our children in danger. Friends around here have seen one not far from from where we live. One got run over by a car a year or so ago. So they are around. We live at the back side of 40 acres that is next to hunreds of acres of state and county land. My husband hunts deer in the fall and now (because of cougars, wolves...altho they say the wolves won't bother you) would not dream of going out there without a loaded 22 handgun as well. Sigh. Not a perfect world.

And I'm sorry to hear you have to put up with this, too.

Heidi, what happened to your rooster?

Hi Heidi,

     Interesting that you're bringing up the cougar subject.   My understanding is that these were not native to our area but that the DNR brought them in for deer population control.  Without consulting the public....and have now put us and our children in danger.  Friends around here have seen one not far from from where we live. One got run over by a car a year or so ago.  So they are around.  We live at the back side of 40 acres that is next to hunreds of acres of state and county land. My husband hunts deer in the fall and now (because of cougars, wolves...altho they say the wolves won't bother you)  would not dream of going out there without a loaded 22 handgun as well. Sigh. Not a perfect world.

And I'm sorry to hear you have to put up with this, too.

Heidi, what happened to your rooster?



That is a myth. Cougars have been around here for hundreds of years. Most are passer throughs but some will stay for a period of time.
Oh and just so you know it is not legal to carry a sidearm while archery hunting for deer.

I understand why but the DNR will not let you off with it. If a deer is shot they will even get you for poaching if you are carrying a sidearm. Just letting you know. Watch who you are telling. Stay safe up there.
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