
I think I know where you got it from
I hope the others were all what you wanted.
Yes, all the others are great. We still love our "Lucy dude" as we call her/him. They are spending their second night in the coop tonight. Still not sure what that little hill is that I want them to use to climb inside. They are so happy. So far the crows are quiet, but are deffinatly crows. Maybe if he never gets too loud he can stay, but not much of a chance of that. I will be giving a call when it's time to expand our flock.
Yes, all the others are great. We still love our "Lucy dude" as we call her/him. They are spending their second night in the coop tonight. Still not sure what that little hill is that I want them to use to climb inside. They are so happy. So far the crows are quiet, but are deffinatly crows. Maybe if he never gets too loud he can stay, but not much of a chance of that. I will be giving a call when it's time to expand our flock.
I will be here. I am glad you are enjoying them all!
Good day everyone! I am kind of new to this site and I am not sure this is the right place to post. My apologies if this is not and please direct me to the right place. Are there Minnesotans out there that raise Buff Ducklings? Or Flemish Giant rabbits? I looked at the buy,sell or trade pages but it was unsuccesful. I have lots of room and my family has lots of love! Thanks so much
Good day everyone! I am kind of new to this site and I am not sure this is the right place to post. My apologies if this is not and please direct me to the right place. Are there Minnesotans out there that raise Buff Ducklings? Or Flemish Giant rabbits? I looked at the buy,sell or trade pages but it was unsuccesful. I have lots of room and my family has lots of love! Thanks so much
I do know someone in Northern Iowa who has Buff Ducks. As for Flemish, check with your local rabbit show club if you can find someone. I used to have a directory of breeders, but not now. There are people around with them, you just have to keep looking. Try some swaps too. Where do you live in MN?
Minniechickmama, thank you so much for the info. We are located 16 miles north of Worthington. We moved to this farm in November and have a beautiful barn to fill. I have 16 four week old Buff Orpington chicks and a mama cat and three kittens living there now. The kitties came withe the farm :- ) I have the bug I so love being a chickies mama thought why not fill up the barn! HA
Hello All!

Is there anyone on this board who is from New Brighton or a close suburb or know someone who is? I just wanted to let folks that the city of New Brighton is considering legistaltion to limit or restriction chicken keeping and has assigned a task force to propose ordinance changes. I am working to connect with people to stop this from happening. Please contact me if you are interested in finding out more information.

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