
I live in Big Lake, MN..... I'm hating this moist weather..... had to promise my dad I would clean out the coop today because the moisture is ruining the wood floor of the coop.....

AHHHHH So your the one with the ad on craiglist stealing my customers!!!! roflmbo....

I have no floor in my coop just the sand and wood chips and it is soaked too, I need to clean it today also.

BTW if you want to clean my coop, I will give you a dozen eggs...
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I wish i could change all the bedding but it takes me 10 days to do it in the spring. Not to mention the 40-50 bales of shavings it takes. I will just have add some more and run a fan to help dry them out. Ughhhh
I changed the bedding Saturday. I have a slab floor so it is fairly easy to keep clean, but they did drag in a lot of mud from the run yesterday. Bedding still looks ok.
I live in Big Lake, MN..... I'm hating this moist weather..... had to promise my dad I would clean out the coop today because the moisture is ruining the wood floor of the coop.....
I too have a wood floor. I put down the glueless vinyl flooring in all the pens. This way, the moisture doesn't soak in and you can still clean in winter, even if you have to break the frozen stuff into chunks. It is worth the money to do. You have to use strips around the edges to make sure bedding doesn't get pushed under though because that is a pain to clean out. I used the cheap paper-backed vinyl the first time, and that is garbage, rips and does get wet.
Wet Foggy and now some sleet this afternoon. Chooks were out on my GREEN lawn this weekend and today until it started raining and sleeting and they headed to the run. I've got the run pretty dry and deep in dry leaves and clipped grasses. But that relative humidity will kill my pine shavings' dryness. ugh... I much prefer frozen poo this time of year as well. No muss and little fuss.
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I have a dirt floor in my old dairy barn. The people we bought the farm from riped out all the concret. Plus i have ducks and a pair of geese that i have to put in the barn at night due to preditors. We have to keep all barnyard gates open in the winter, otherwise good luck trying to open them for the fire dept and taking bedding/feed.
What ad???? I don't remember....

I was joking, sorry it did not come across like that. I had just read an ad on craigslist for eggs from Big Lake is all and then saw your post.'

BTW you were suppose to concentrate on the part where I give you a dozen eggs to come over and clean my coop. Beings you did not mention that, I assume you are still considering it? Would 2 dozen eggs make the offer better for you?
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Wet Foggy and now some sleet this afternoon. Chooks were out on my GREEN lawn this weekend and today until it started raining and sleeting and they headed to the run. I've got the run pretty dry and deep in dry leaves and clipped grasses. But that relative humidity will kill my pine shavings' dryness. ugh... I much prefer frozen poo this time of year as well. No muss and little fuss.

I think we had this GMO debate here a few months back ...maybe last spring. So this is repetitive maybe fore some. What is concerning to me like Jailer Joe says is the economics around the seed rights and the removal of the small farmer. I might say also that crop after crop with very little rest and a limited nutrient fertilizer to replenish the soil makes for a very bland and limited product as far as nutritional value goes. Trace elements/ nutrients are not replenished and the vegetable or fruit can only take up what the soil has to offer. Ever compare the taste of a carrot from the grocery store to the carrot grown out of your garden? There is a difference there and I believe that over using soils with mass production crops and very little give back to the soil is not good over all. I visited my inlaws in south Texas a few years back and was watching them harvest the fields. Within hours it was tilled over and seeded again. No rest. If they do spread manure, is it from animals on antibiotics? Probably. Killing beneficial bacteria that make beneficial trace nutrients.

I don't claim to have all the answers, but I know a few little things.

My Dad (former farmer) heard once that the Saudis were buying some land in Iowa many years ago. He said this to me and it applies to the Saudis, Chinese, Americans, American Government or Monsanto. "If you control Food, You can rule the world." Food for thought anyways. Food is Big Business, like it or not.

When I made my comments on GMO's it was on the safety of them and not the patents and economics of seed companies.

I agree planting the same crop over and over requires more chemicals and fertilizers and could very well effect the taste of the crop. I also have no idea what the answer to the economics of protecting their patent is.

Hover, I also find problems with the government and their allotment systems on wheat, When a farmer planting his own wheat on his own land for his own use ( not for sale) can be ruled by the courts to be illegal because it impacts commerce, to me, government is too intrusive at that point. Same as a farmer using the seed from plants he grew to plant again being illegal is too much.

If I sell you a chicken to raise for meat and you raise an egg and hatch it, should I be able to charge you for the chick you hatched? To me it is the same thing.
I changed the bedding Friday. Unlike some of you my coop has a cement floor so at least I don't have to worry about the floor rotting. I have had problems keeping the humidity down in the coop these past couple days, especially today because the yard and driveway are a giant puddle and it was raining for half the day. :he

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