
Nice coop Scott, very much like mine, I plan on expanding my run this summer, God willing (they can only free range when i'm outside with them as we don't have any cover). Over the hardware cloth in the winter I put greenhouse panels so that they can be in the run everyday, even on extremely cold, windy, or snowy days. It expands their "coop" Might be something to think about. I'm surprised you could get 14 chickens in there without them fighting. Mine can barely hold the 6 I have. I will admit though that my chickens are huge. I got my chickens the first week of May as day old chicks, I went to the state fair to see how big they would get as mine were still juveniles at that time and not laying yet. Well, my girls (SLW's) were way bigger than the SLW's at the fair. :/ Couldn't find my other chicken breeds there at the time.
Hello everyone - just joined today and trying to get the hang of everything here.  we are in the southern metro area.  We're getting our chicks in May - had to jump through a TON of hoops to get the permit. :)  but we persevered.  We have a coop - made a mistake and bought it before the permit..long story!   We ended up having it built, somewhat of the Witchita style too.  Now we just need to build an outdoor run once the ground thaws!!

We may be able to join in on our local Twin Cities coop tour - depending on when it is this year.  Last summer I think it was in June?  We'll see.  And hello Scott, we are a bit north of you.

Looking forward to chatting with everyone - take care.   :thumbsup

Big welcome!! Glad you're here!
Greetings to all you new folks! Here's why you build a solid coop/run.

What a lovely day...

Oh, hi there...

Hey, what are you guys doin?

...wanna let me in? I totally won't hurt you...

Knock Knock... anyone there?

Ok, I was gonna hurt you, I'm a hawk see?


Maybe there's a chimney?

Stupid over-packaging. I'm out.
WOW an amazing set of photos!

I bet the poor babies were going ape poop in there.

I did not know they were that persistent in their attempts to get chickens. I always thought of them as more opportunistic than that.

It makes me wonder about my game bird netting covered runs. It is a good reason for me to remember to not over tighten the netting, so the birds can not get a purchase on it, to rip it.

Amazing photos again.

I need to set my game camera up!

When did this happen?
Spring must be upon us!

I got 26 eggs for 30 pullets yesterday. I think I got 2 eggs from one barred rock. When I opened the coop she was on a nest and I pulled an egg out from under her. It looked like her egg. (She has a pale brown oblong egg). Last night I went to lock up the coop and she was in a nest box again. I thought she might be broody.

I had to leave the coop open as Ethel was not ready to go into the coop. She was ticked off at me for accidentally locking her in the coop and run the day before. I was not about to get told off again. So I just let her be until she was ready to go in. Ethel is the only turkey I have that wants in the coop every night. I cannot imagine what she would say to me if I locked her outside with the common turkeys all night!

So I went out at about 7:30 to lock the coop. The barred rock was still in the nest. I shined my flashlight on her Justas she was lifting up and dropped an egg. So that makes 2 from her in one day!

There is a possibility the first egg was not hers, but it sure looked like hers. She did not get out of the nest but it was dark then.

Of the 26 eggs, 2 did not come from the nest boxes. I saw a bird go into a lean too I have on an old granary we have. It has not floor the ground is sandy and lots of leaves blow into it, we have gotten eggs from in it before. I found the pullet in the coop I saw go in, trying to get on a make shift nest another pullet was on. It had two eggs in it, one Blue egg and one brown egg. There was another pullet that had found an old milk crate laid on it's side and was very comfortable sitting in it like it was her home. No eggs in though.

I am afraid the lean too and under the granary are just going to be my stray chick hatching grounds this year. I can check the lean too fairly well for nests, but the granary sets on cement blocks about 20 inches off the ground. There is 50 years of leaves blown under it. I could block the birds out from under it with lattice, but I like the idea of them having a place to hide under in case of evil hawks and eagles.

I guess surprise chicks will be fun anyways!
vashjir, wow! I enlarged the pics but couldn't see any chickens - were they hiding inside the coop? Great pics, puts the fear of you know what into you.
Duluthralphie, thats gonna be great if you get broodies under the granary!

I am starting to see a small increase in egg laying, I still have pullets that haven't laid from last springs hatch. Yesterday got 7 eggs out of 21 hens and pullets. Some would surprise the heck out of me if they laid this year.
Duluthralphie, thats gonna be great if you get broodies under the granary!

I am starting to see a small increase in egg laying, I still have pullets that haven't laid from last springs hatch. Yesterday got 7 eggs out of 21 hens and pullets. Some would surprise the heck out of me if they laid this year.

They will just give them time....

And about that Jake you wanted???

P.S. I just let the chickens out, one of my EE made a beeline to the lean too, I went and looked in she is settled in right where I took the eggs from yesterday. She could be hard to break of this habit.
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