
Nordic your Extra Roos will make themselves known one by one who will not be part of your flock. Sounds like #1 has been marked. Our. First 9 birds we had 3 cockerels. #1 was a partridge rock who I really wanted to keep too btw. But even though he was good to us humans he incessantly terrorized the hens. And then i'd see the flock sneaking away from him. #2 was a bantam Cochin and a little love some days. Son of a gun other days. He was great with the kids but made Roger our natural leader run all day long. The boys competed too much and I had bare back hens. Tough decision but he went bye bye too. My husband thought he was great and put in his unwanted two cents. What was left was a New Hampshire with great predator detecting instincts, family friendliness. He's actually like a family dog. Comes into the kitchen and goes to the cracker cupboard, gets his treat and before he poops in the house we kick him out.

Today we had special visitors. They backed right into the garage while it rained outside.

BC I love them!!
Welcome to your new favorite social media Wild Child. Lol.
The BlanchRanch that's too funny and awesome that the girls are picking up the pace for you too!
Thanks all on the pup pictures. These are DHs hunting buddy's dogs and he brought them over to show the kids. What a treat. They are 1 1/2 weeks old so still pretty fresh. Momma picked up on the chicken scent around and lucky her master remembered I had chickens right off and kept her in the truck. She's a hunter! Lol. Sadie is a love and were looking forward to her being with us in another 6 weeks.

Birds are looking glorious free ranging in that new lush green tropical like woods. Nows the time to grow coconut trees!
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Today I got an egg from my CX. Its either fertilized by my new splash Cochin or my Welsummer. Put it under a broody that already has eggs but she can have it till she hatches her eggs the first week in June. Then I'll put it in the bator.
Where in the world do you live that you have rain on a nice day like this?   Is your name Joe Btfsplk?

NO fair looking the name up.. Ask your parents,. and when they don't know it have them ask their parents.....
Ha ha Ralphie he had to have been in my neck of the woods yesterday! It rained so much and so hard! Lots of lightning and thunder!! Today too! Grumbling and rumbling, and poured so hard and for so long our little babbling brook is roaring!!
Hey all been away from the forum the past few days been busy in the fields and busy getting moved into our new home. Update on my chicks they are doing great and have started to become more comfortable around me which is a huge plus
. As I stated were moving to a new house and the tote I have been brooding them in our old house has quickly become a litle tight for them and I am going to move them in the brooder I built for them which will be the perfect size up.until they move to the coop.

Now as Im sure some of you know we will have a bit of a cold snap again... nights in the low 30's. Will they be okay in my garage (draft free) with a 250watt heat bulb? During the days it will pop up again in temp.

Thank you, Mike
Until I built my brooder house, all our chicks were brooded in an unheated but insulated garage and we start hatching in January, so I think you will be fine. Just make sure that the heat lamp is WELL secured and adjusted so that they are comfortable.
Rhetts: I have two Light Brahma, Two Silver Laces Wyandottes, Two Auracaunas, a Black Star, a Golden Laced Wyandotte, and a little itty-bitty Serama roo. I'm also looking to add a few Cochin Silkie, or Orpington hens so if any of you guys have some any of these guys for sale give me a shout!
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Those with Cream Legbars (The cool crowd calls the Creamettes here right?) how often are you getting eggs? I'm at about one a week, two at the rare most. She was full-grown when I got her so I'm not sure on her age. Just curious if she's winding down getting old, or just a usual thing for her breed. She's penned with a rooster she adores and they make a racket of mayhem when they're apart. Not sure if that affects her laying. If I'm around them for the day, I see him jazzing it up with her once if at all. She has no signs of feather loss from that or otherwise. Bright eyes and clear nose and legs and healthy. I won't do her in even if she stops laying, she's a sweetie.

And does anyone with Australorps have them laying all winter? I heard they do at about 5 a week but wonder if that includes Minnesota winters. Mine are about 14 weeks so they have awhile to go yet before laying anyway.
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