
WE HAVE KITTENS STILL!! Since i thought the lone kitten was a goner i decided to start hauling out the old straw from my loft. I started pulling bales off the pile and there was a surprise down between some of the bales. turns out there are 4 kittens and that mommy had moved them. the dead one maybe was a still birth as it was very small and i just happened on them in mid move. they just have their eyes opened and are so cute! 3 greys and one white/beige one. I put the bales back on the top of their den and food out for mama
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Start petting and holding them everyday or they will be wild and mean like Tasmanian devils. We use to find nest of them in the hay mows as kids, if we did not pet and hold them as early as we could, they went feral.
Start petting and holding them everyday or they will be wild and mean like Tasmanian devils. We use to find nest of them in the hay mows as kids, if we did not pet and hold them as early as we could, they went feral.

you dont think the mama cat will get upset about it and move them? they definitely are too little for me to feed them
I think if you keep food near by and your scent all over those kittens she'll figure out life is not so bad for her little ones. Even tame momma kitties will move their litters from time to time. But you can usually find them again by following her.
I have this question about what to do for the ducks this winter. This is my first time ever having ducks and we are brain storming ideas on what to do for them for water this winter. The chickens I have always just used a heated waterer but ducks with make a huge icy mess and need to be able to dip their heads

I have used a 15-gallon rubber tub for them. It freezes, but it is deep enough for them to hop in if they need to go for a dip. I would provide a couple of the shallower pans for more water. It will get icy, but you aren't going to avoid that with ducks. The rubber can get flipped and ice broken out, so it works pretty well. Sometimes I have to get up and jump on it for a couple of minutes to get it all out, but I managed to do it every day. It's why I am fluffy in the backside ;)
Okay Minnie, here are your pics of my little bundles of joy
They're 20 weeks today, I guess I'll need to stop calling them "the babies" now...

I'm actually convinced this might actually be a girl!!

This little one has become an escape artist. She jumps from the swing to the top rail of the fence and out

Wellie is such a beautiful bird!

Bucky Buckeye checking out the big girls' roost
YOU LUCKY DUCK!!! 4 Pullets out of 4 chicks?!!!!
I was snuggling our little 'pole cat', Mila after chores tonight. I told her she was my favorite kitty. I hope the other two didn't hear me! I like to love her and hold and I named her George, uh, I mean Mila. ;) And to think, last year her brother and mother were so wild IF we saw they, they were like lightning running away from us. Food was the answer to winning them over.
I am taking the two females to get spayed on Tuesday.
4) rode my motorcycle the 10 miles to work at 39 degrees which is a new low temp for me. Do you ride cold weather @The BlanchRanch ?
I have and will. But I don't make it a common practice anymore. I am glad I wasn't riding when it was 39. That is painful. But when I used to do that, I always thought the ride home when it was warmer made it worth it.

I have friends that rode all winter long. I have one friend who rode to Arizona in January. But even with all the right gear. Anything below 50 just isn't any fun. Some folks have hand warmers and shields. Electric suits. You can always make it work.
I have used a 15-gallon rubber tub for them.  It freezes, but it is deep enough for them to hop in if they need to go for a dip.  I would provide a couple of the shallower pans for more water.  It will get icy, but you aren't going to avoid that with ducks.  The rubber can get flipped and ice broken out, so it works pretty well.  Sometimes I have to get up and jump on it for a couple of minutes to get it all out, but I managed to do it every day.  It's why I am fluffy in the backside ;)

Did you keep the water pans inside the coop?
klopklop the kittens are so danged adorable. Are you figuring they are about a week old? mama's lucky to have you helping her out. You are so lucky, built in critter control.

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