

Sensing a shortened life span for this dude..
He was kind of mottled looking. I think he was a zombie weasel. He should have been all white.

It was weird. I think something tried to get him in the trap. I had set it kind of in the open in front of a brush pile and filled it with chicken heads, (and did they stink).. When I first got to the trap, I thought some SOB had stolen my trap. It was moved about 15 ft, back under the brush a tad. I know he did not move it. Unless he had the super weasel strength a Zombie Weasel would possess,

I thought the same as Ed. I am seeing some whacky out of season stuff going on like 6-7 month birds going through a full molt like the 1 1/2 year old birds, and Spring flowers blooming, trees with buds on them. I have been asking on Facebook too and others are seeing some really out of season stuff going on.
I think the crazy roller coaster weather patterns are causing some confusion for the animals and plants.
I must add, I have to disagree with Ed though on the climate change, yes, we have gone through climate changes over the millions of years the Earth has been here, but the big thing to consider is not just weather and temperatures, but the CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere, which are higher than has ever been seen. I just read an article recently about this and I forget when they said the last time CO2 levels were this high but it was before homo sapiens walked the Earth, I do remember that. Not trying to argue, just presenting my opinion. We can agree to disagree.
Treasure Island is that one in Iowa right on 35 near Mason city?
TI is in Hastings, you are thinking Diamond Joe's.

I am thinking it was a coyote, bobcat or a coon to move the trap as far as it did. I doubt a coon would take on a weasel, so therefore I am at bobcat or coyote. Both are in the area. The trap was placed about a 1000 feet from my building area. So I know it was not that cute little kitten.

I think Holm should apply for a scholarship to the marksmanship academy, then his out of pocket cost would only be a little over a grand. It is big savings for him.
I don't know why more people aren't jumping on all these amazing courses and classes you are offering, your prices are SO reasonable!!!

Does this look like discoloration or blood? Should I be concerned? I have no idea who laid it, btw.
Don't get too worried. It happens. If it starts getting to be A LOT of blood, then check her vent, but sometimes they have this in these seasons where they are going through some changes in their laying cycle.
Klop, you must have been typing at the same time as me on the casinos ;)

When my husband was stationed in Pascagoula, Mississippi, we used to go to Biloxi to eat as a treat once in a while. We tried a little bit of the slots and electronic poker, but we had very little money to waste on such things then, so never have gone to any up here. BUT I know the food was always amazing at the ones down there. Nothing quite like fresh caught seafood right from the gulf. Mmmmmm
We aren't gamblers at all. Haven't been to a casino since my bachelor party 3 years ago and it was several years more back to find my next last trip to one. I'm too cheap to gamble with my own money.... Well if you discount occasional games of blackjack with friends using quarters :)

I hate coming home stinking of smoke but the people watching can be fun. Some people are so superstitious. Plus, free fountain drinks and coffee!
Had a timer installed in the coop today. Definitely worth it to have the lights go on and off and in a dust protected box.

Our EE layed her first egg yesterday! A pretty blue!

ooooh, A dust box, sounds like something I should have for my hen-cam, where do you get such an item? I'll google it too...
I was a Blackjack for 7 years. I'm so glad I don't have to do that any more. I usually didn't mind the game, but smelling like smoke every day when I don't smoke, some days having 7 smokers blowing their smoke right at you, the idiot players that blame you for taking their money, working every weekend and most holidays... yuck! I'm very glad I was able to quit before I had kids! I still like to go play once or twice a year though. My grandma likes going, so I go with her once in a while.

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