
I went knitting tonight with a group of ladies, we meet at a bar called The Guilty Goose. The group is called the Goose Skein Knitters. Did you know a flock of geese flying in formation is called a skein? As well as a wrapped 'roll' of yarn is called a skein? So, it was a clever name. We drink and knit. LOL I don't drink much, a beer in two hours, because I drive there. I am not much for drinking anyway, any more. I wish they had food there though, but just frozen pizza (
). It is nice to get out one night a week when I can though. Somehow, chickens come up in the conversation somewhere. I don't know how that happens!

Cute name! How nice to have a group of ladies to hang out with each week!
Our record egg collection today - 15 !

With 31 hens.. The Jerseys aren't laying yet, the Bresse and baby BO either (duh).

Still am not getting Beatrice off the ceramic eggs. A snowfall may cool her off..

Walhart or Wally is getting bigger and braver. Last week, we weren't sure he was going to make it because he wasn't eating and we couldn't get him to take the bottle. We gave him a vitamin shot (BoSe) and finally on Friday he started to eat again. Mom is young and impatient with nursing him, so he doesn't get much before she moves away from him. He needs a new little sweatshirt coat, because he is growing out of this one. He is 2 weeks old today!

He is SO CUTE!!! thanks for the pic :)
Hope mom gets the hang of motherhood.

Walhart or Wally is getting bigger and braver. Last week, we weren't sure he was going to make it because he wasn't eating and we couldn't get him to take the bottle. We gave him a vitamin shot (BoSe) and finally on Friday he started to eat again. Mom is young and impatient with nursing him, so he doesn't get much before she moves away from him. He needs a new little sweatshirt coat, because he is growing out of this one. He is 2 weeks old today!
Wow. So cute. Sure looks healthy.
It felt SO GOOD outside today!!! I got the roof finished on the end I failed to last year. It was just a small section that needed some finagling to get that last rafter on. Now that that is done, tomorrow the end will have the wire removed and siding put up in its stead. I have to finish enclosing the pen I currently have my WLR older birds, but it will probably end up being a pen for something else over winter as the coop is too high for them to keep jumping up and down from. Maybe some males will be housed there or a few I want to make Easter Eggers from? I gotta go do inventory and see where everyone will be assigned this year. Then there is cleaning and picking up what is left laying around after finally having to replace all the waterers with rubber pans or heated dog bowls until I run something else through the place with a heated line. I have got to get that done this year. The timer is all set and working to come on about 4:30am and turn off at 9am, the on at again around 4:00pm and off about 9:30pm. No sense in running them all day long and paying for that unnecessary expense. I need to clean all the nest boxes good and get them adjusted to a little lower height for how I will be arranging pens this year. The work here never ends. If it did, I don't know what the heck I would do with myself.
I went knitting tonight with a group of ladies, we meet at a bar called The Guilty Goose. The group is called the Goose Skein Knitters. Did you know a flock of geese flying in formation is called a skein? As well as a wrapped 'roll' of yarn is called a skein? So, it was a clever name. We drink and knit. LOL I don't drink much, a beer in two hours, because I drive there. I am not much for drinking anyway, any more. I wish they had food there though, but just frozen pizza (
). It is nice to get out one night a week when I can though. Somehow, chickens come up in the conversation somewhere. I don't know how that happens!
I have been working every day so I have not have had a chance to do outdoor work. Good thing I don't have a lot of it.

The DW has a group that does a stitch and ***** as well. It was actually yesterday too and she had to miss it yesterday because we are all getting ready fo turkey day.
I am going to do a brine. First time with a turkey. It will be a lot more than just salt.
I thought you guys might like to see this week's post from our farm page: [COLOR=141823]The star of [/COLOR][COLOR=3B5998][COLOR=627AAD]‪#‎[/COLOR]MeetAChickenMonday‬[/COLOR][COLOR=141823] this week is none other than the fun loving Petunia! Petunia can be seen waddling around the farm showing off her beautiful buff colored feathers. She has a ring of dark spots around her neck, almost giving the look of a fancy necklace! Petunia is a Dixie Rainbow which is also known to some chicken keepers as a Pioneer breed. Petunia is a natural explorer and can often be found in the farthest corners of the farm looking for adventure! In this week's photo Petunia can be seen enjoying Halloween pumpkin leftovers with some of her flock mates (Upper right). Toodaloo from Petunia![/COLOR]
Nicely done ...
I thought you guys might like to see this week's post from our farm page:

The star of ‪#‎MeetAChickenMonday‬ this week is none other than the fun loving Petunia! Petunia can be seen waddling around the farm showing off her beautiful buff colored feathers. She has a ring of dark spots around her neck, almost giving the look of a fancy necklace! Petunia is a Dixie Rainbow which is also known to some chicken keepers as a Pioneer breed. Petunia is a natural explorer and can often be found in the farthest corners of the farm looking for adventure! In this week's photo Petunia can be seen enjoying Halloween pumpkin leftovers with some of her flock mates (Upper right). Toodaloo from Petunia!

funny, I have a hen named Petunia too. And I love that you said ""toodaloo"

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