
We got all hens, red ranger. It was nice because there was no cock fighting, and we were able to grow them out a little bigger. We brought them in to be butchered to, dennison meat locker was around $2 per bird.
Have u set any eggs yet Minnie?? Hopefully u have chicks a bunnies at the same time for a photo shoot

No, I have been messing around with the fans, but can't seem to get it running. If nothing else, I am setting Buckeyes and New Hampshires in the LG tomorrow. I might have to buy a different kind of fan for the GQF to get it going.
The good thing is I am getting a steady flow of eggs from about half of the Buckeyes and a couple from the NH pen every day, but everyone else is being lazy yet. I haven't seen much breeding or signs of it going on though and worry I won't be getting much fertility. Like I said, I will set some tomorrow either way, it just won't be as many as I would like to.
OK I was trying to catch up on Reading but I guess it's not going to happen. So I'm just going to jump in starting here. Hope everybody and their flock is doing great. I've had a lot going on so sorry I haven't stopped by. Let's see I bought the farm I can't move in until March 15. I sold my house I was very lucky I only had it on the market for 1 1/2 days and had multiple offers and it sold. Ohh yes and I got married. :) . Yes I know I just started dating it was quick but I've known him for over 30 years. I also had a cancer scare. I ended up going for a bone biopsy but it turned out to be nothing. Thank God. I've been through cancer four times and I really didn't think I could do it again it's to hard and my body is too tired anyway to do it again. I have to chickens now that are laying 1 is my red sex link the other I'm still trying to figure out. I got 2 legbar roosters from Ralphie and then stopped at Ramsey Farm and garden and picked up 4 chicks 1 didn't make it. I needed to get another BO never thought I would get another one of those with all the other problems I had from the first one BUT my granddaughter was asking where her butterscotch was, she is 8 .. She was telling her dad that that was her favorite chicken and the first chicken she ever held and she loved her. I didn't have the heart to tell her I chopped butterscotch's head off , I would have been the worst grandma in the world. So I bought 2 hoping 1 would survive.. Now I have five chickens living in my shower.. Lol.. Well this post is long enough and I have to get busy. Miss u all and I will stop by again soon..

So nice to hear from you. YES, you have been busy!!!! It all sounds wonderfully so. You deserve some good things happening in your life, dear.
Good luck with the little fluffbutts, they are always fun when you only keep a few, I guess. I wouldn't know, I am one of those nut jobs who can't just do a few of anything. ;)

I hope the goodness continues to flow for you.

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