
Planted rhubarb today! happy to finally have some on the farm. Asparagus is coming up too!

Personally, I am not a fan of rhubarb, but I have fond memories of going to a neighbor's house with my mother so she could get rhubarb when I was a kid. They had a very tall, pipe framed swing that the old man had made for his kids who were already grown adults by that time. I would swing while Mom got the rhubarb.

I do have it growing here though, and I had to laugh when we were looking where my husband planted some perennials I bought last fall, he put them right next to where the rhubarb plants I had put there the year before were coming up. One of the perennials doesn't look like it made it, and by the other one, I will just move those plants. I have another rhubarb out by the strawberries. When DH said he didn't know why I wanted to have it since we don't really eat it, I reminded him that many people DO like rhubarb with their strawberries and we are definitely going to have WAY more strawberries than we need this year, it is probably a good idea to have both if I am going to sell the berries. That made sense to him.

I can't give him too much grief, he went around and sprayed all the thistle in my pasture today, and the nettles, and the burdocks, and along the fence line. Now to mow.

@lalaland if you want some of these tomatoes, you will need to come down when you need to have those chicks ;) LOL I am putting another batch in as soon as I am off here. I washed several dozens of eggs today and sold a bunch too. I posted for $2 per dozen as a special for this week only and people snatched them right up! Small bantam eggs too! They are great for little kids or for those bite sized deviled eggs. I just wish I had different colored bantam eggs too, mine are all light brown to almost white.
minniechickmama, I know I would be snatching up those tomato seedlings at a sale! There is no room literally in my house for seedlings. I do basil every year in my office window, but here there is no safe place from the cats.

I gave Seaquist 3 eggs to set on today, she was broody much of last summer and I didn't let her set. Popped her in the little coop and she seems quite happy. Bad news is I wasn't thinking and 21 days ends up smack dab in the middle of a work week. duh!

love this spring weather!
If you just put the eggs under her, you could probably swap them out with fake eggs for a couple of days and then put them back under her. They might not have started developing yet. It takes them awhile to get warmed up.
Holy buckets I have a lot to catch up on, this is a super active forum!

YAY FOR ALL YOU ENABLERS!!!! Enable away!!!!

I love reading all the posts about gardening. I went crazy with Baker Creek heirloom varieties this year and I'm so excited to see how that's going to shake out.

A question since you all are so knowledgeable and responsive - realistically when do chicks move from brooder to coop in MN? Overnight temps might not stay consistently above 60 until....never. HA! So how do you handle that? I was hoping to avoid utilizing a heat source in the coop but also am unsure how to make the bathtub work another several weeks! I had no idea they'd get this big before transitioning outside. Am I stuck trying to finagle a bigger brooder? Is it possible the feed lot sent me on my way with chick starter containing steroids and chicken growth hormone (joking - but I am starting to wonder.......)
Holy buckets I have a lot to catch up on, this is a super active forum!

YAY FOR ALL YOU ENABLERS!!!! Enable away!!!!

I love reading all the posts about gardening. I went crazy with Baker Creek heirloom varieties this year and I'm so excited to see how that's going to shake out.

A question since you all are so knowledgeable and responsive - realistically when do chicks move from brooder to coop in MN? Overnight temps might not stay consistently above 60 until....never. HA! So how do you handle that? I was hoping to avoid utilizing a heat source in the coop but also am unsure how to make the bathtub work another several weeks! I had no idea they'd get this big before transitioning outside. Am I stuck trying to finagle a bigger brooder? Is it possible the feed lot sent me on my way with chick starter containing steroids and chicken growth hormone (joking - but I am starting to wonder.......)

You don't want to put them out before they are fully feathered, which I would say around 2-moths. You are going to want to either figure out a heating method that is safe, or get a bigger brooder. I can't imagine keeping chicks inside for 8-weeks
You don't want to put them out before they are fully feathered, which I would say around 2-moths. You are going to want to either figure out a heating method that is safe, or get a bigger brooder. I can't imagine keeping chicks inside for 8-weeks
Thank you for that.
is right!!! We just hit 4-5 weeks and I'm totally over the dust and stink in my house. They can stay in if need be, but I'd much prefer we start the transition sooner rather than later as long as it's safe.

Any tips of safe coop heating methods? Everything general on the net is so conflicting - heat lamps are deadly and should never be in coop, and on the flip side of that, I've used heat lamps for decades without a problem so never think twice about it. Our coop is framed up and will be finished by Sunday. It's a 6x8. My husband is a master electrician so the sky's the limit as far as options go. I'll take any suggestions short or long term!

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