
Sometimes is it just those stupid first time momma cows who just don't know what is happening and won't understand until they are taught the hard way. I hope that is the case and she figures it out, but if not, she wouldn't be the first cow that ended up making hamburger because she wouldn't mother her own calves.

With rabbits, we breed more than one doe at a time so that if one momma doesn't take care of them, you always have another who will foster them. Sometimes cows will do that but sometimes they won't, so that isn't always an option either.

When you have milking cows, you don't put calves on them to feed and they usually produce way more milk than one calf needs anyway, so you would save the colostrum like Holm did and use it when needed rather than wasting it. It is not good for human consumption, and if you ever saw it, you would know why. It is loaded with natural antibodies and nutrients that even if fed to a started calf who has been away from it, it will throw it into scours/bad diarrhea.
Goose pusher! Aren't those Ralphie's?

Do you have a foster cow that could nurse the calf?

"Another" beautiful day? I can't remember the last time I've seen the sun shine. I'm packing up my chickens and moving your way.
That's me! Well, I think he is going to get just half of the goslings since he is getting ducklings too.
Same thing happened to our neighbor and "Mom" was never comfortable and never accepted the calf so good luck and be safe. Mom can be tempermental!

Some cows are just dumb. We tried getting it to graft on to our Jersey but its a working progress.
Sometimes is it just those stupid first time momma cows who just don't know what is happening and won't understand until they are taught the hard way.  I hope that is the case and she figures it out, but if not, she wouldn't be the first cow that ended up making hamburger because she wouldn't mother her own calves.

With rabbits, we breed more than one doe at a time so that if one momma doesn't take care of them, you always have another who will foster them.  Sometimes cows will do that but sometimes they won't, so that isn't always an option either.

When you have milking cows, you don't put calves on them to feed and they usually produce way more milk than one calf needs anyway, so you would save the colostrum like Holm did and use it when needed rather than wasting it.  It is not good for human consumption, and if you ever saw it, you would know why. It is loaded with natural antibodies and nutrients that even if fed to a started calf who has been away from it, it will throw it into scours/bad diarrhea.   


This is the cows 4th calf though. Its premature though so maybe the cows hormones weren't fully kicked in. The new bull started "breeding" her and the pressure put her in labor. Her bag was not full enough for her to be ready.
This is the cows 4th calf though. Its premature though so maybe the cows hormones weren't fully kicked in. The new bull started "breeding" her and the pressure put her in labor. Her bag was not full enough for her to be ready.

Well, I hope it works out, otherwise you may have a bottle calf. There are worse things in the world to deal with than that though.
Good luck with your hatch! I had another really great one. Now what to do with all these birds!!! I still have a few more Buckeyes to hatch from a different rooster, a few NHs from the new roosters I put in a couple of weeks ago, then maybe some Black Cochins (just shoot me, I may keep a trio!), and I think I have enough of the bantams, or will once the hatches that are in the incubators are done.
In case you are wondering why I'm up, my kiddo is running 104 temp.

What a beautiful evening. Watched the chickens mill about and was so so grateful that Amy , our Banty Cochin slept in the garage last night. Thought she'd become hawk fodder..
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We hatched 13 eggs from our own flock. Who knows what is what. But it's fun trying to figure it out. My DD pointed out that a couple of chicks are definitely GLW, meaning Jen, our trans rooster influenced things. Hope they are hens!

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