
I'm going to post chick pics soon. We have some endearing crosses. One has a red production front and GLW back. The JG chicks are almost twice as large as the others, gangly and eating like they've been starving. I can't wait until they are old enough to roam a bit.
Hi! I am new here. We have our first batch of chicks ever that are now 4 weeks old. We have 2 silkies, 2 SL wyandottes, one GL Wyandotte, and 2 bantam Cochins.

I live in north central Minnesota.
Both my barn cats disappeared. It has been weeks. I got them from the human society and they were so abused and neglected the woman who gave them to me said she didn't think they would ever tolerate human touch. I wanted to give them a safe place with plenty of food and hoped they would keep the mice down in exchange. They stayed all winter and one got to the point she would allow me to see her. Gone this spring.
My cats are having kittens so if anyone needs a barn cat.....I have plenty.

Got my first trash panda/raccoon. Not even one night with the trap baited. Boom there it is. Giving it to the local trail and tree club gotta keep the local hunters loving me. Seems to be a young one. I was told to use sardines as bait. Seems they love em.that and I think since I havnt had a darn thing it can eat that it was pretty hungry
Minnie beat me to it, use marshmallows. You don't catch as many cats that way.
Has anyone ever trapped skunks ? I'm wondering if they are living under my coop.
Yes, a couple of times. They normally sleep during the day, so sometimes you can just go up and euthanize them. Some people relocate, but I don't do that. The thing you need to be really careful about is that skunks carry rabies in their brains and you don't want to release that into the ground.
Hi! I am new here. We have our first batch of chicks ever that are now 4 weeks old. We have 2 silkies, 2 SL wyandottes, one GL Wyandotte, and 2 bantam Cochins. Welcome.
My cats are having kittens so if anyone needs a barn cat.....I have plenty.

Minnie beat me to it, use marshmallows. You don't catch as many cats that way. ;)

Only cat I would catch would be my mouser Mr marsten. But he knows better he looked at the trap gave me the stink eye rubbed my legs and wandered off. He is well fed so won't go for it. Smart kitty.
Has anyone ever trapped skunks ? I'm wondering if they are living under my coop.

We always have a skunk trap set. Live trap with tasty meat and cat food in it. There is a long long leash attached to it. If we get a skunk, my husband hooks the trap up to the 4 wheeler and takes off to the other side of the field. He unhooks it and puts the skunk out of its misery. Empties trap. When he gets back to the house all clothing is taken off at the door and I get it in the washer. He takes a shower. Three skunks so far this year. We have also caught and released three chickens and one chihuahua. The chihuahua needed a bath....the trap keeps the skunk juice on it for a time. The chihuahua has never again attempted to get the tasty meat....

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