
Dog goes out at 430
Dog corners skunk in barn
Dog gets full on sprayed in face
Dog spends day in garage.

Dog needs a bath using 1/4 c. dish soap, 8 oz. hydrogen peroxide, 1 c. baking soda, mixed together in a jug topped off with water. Then soak the dog's coat in that mixture for about 10 minutes. Rinse.

I learned the first year we lived here and our dog couldn't help but to stir up the skunks that had been residing here. They would chase him up to the house and spray him on the back step. Made the house wreak also. I had to tear out carpeting late at night because he would lick it and then puke on the carpet. That was okay, that old gold stuff from the '60's needed to go.
Kitty update:

RJ is healing nicely. His leg is still weepy but doesn't look infected. The hole is large and is draining nicely. Swelling is down and I have seen him putting a little weight on it.

Still no sign of Wallace. He is still out on his romp. Thinking positive :)

It has been a wild week at work and been trying to keep up with spring work. I got my garden disced down and now I need to get the fence up so I can start planting! Corn and sunflower now, tomatoes and peppers in the next week, beans, peas, etc. I'm gambling in no more frost!

Both my barn cats disappeared. It has been weeks. I got them from the human society and they were so abused and neglected the woman who gave them to me said she didn't think they would ever tolerate human touch. I wanted to give them a safe place with plenty of food and hoped they would keep the mice down in exchange. They stayed all winter and one got to the point she would allow me to see her. Gone this spring.
Go online and check.  You have to have all of it done by May 15th.  Make sure all your ID stuff is in by then too.

I got all the ID stuff turned in. I was going to add photography to my list last night but never got to it. They said poultry doesnt have to be signed up for awhile though? What paperwork do I need? And when should we do testing?
Kitty update:

RJ is healing nicely. His leg is still weepy but doesn't look infected. The hole is large and is draining nicely. Swelling is down and I have seen him putting a little weight on it.

Still no sign of Wallace. He is still out on his romp. Thinking positive

It has been a wild week at work and been trying to keep up with spring work. I got my garden disced down and now I need to get the fence up so I can start planting! Corn and sunflower now, tomatoes and peppers in the next week, beans, peas, etc. I'm gambling in no more frost!

We put our first garden in on May 2nd. Two weeks later we thought we were going to lose everything we transplanted because it got nasty and cold again, not snow or frost but wind and rain. We hold off now until no earlier than Mid May to make sure the crappy weather is passed. Many people just wait until Memorial weekend to plant theirs. I will look at the forecast around the 15th and see if I will be comfortable putting them out. I am sure I will want them out of the house by then, they will be getting leggy.
Today is tilling day and maybe starting to put some seeds in the ground. I need to plan out where to put that new coop out in the one garden, then to plan it out. I have gotten a stack of pallets from my feed lady and those will make the framework for the walls and possibly the floor. A busy next couple of days ahead for me. I hope everyone else gets to take advantage of the great weather and later sunset.
Both my barn cats disappeared. It has been weeks. I got them from the human society and they were so abused and neglected the woman who gave them to me said she didn't think they would ever tolerate human touch. I wanted to give them a safe place with plenty of food and hoped they would keep the mice down in exchange. They stayed all winter and one got to the point she would allow me to see her. Gone this spring.

My momma cat was spayed last fall, of course, she left a few weeks later. She came back after two weeks, left the next day. The came back three weeks after that, and we haven't seen her since. I hope she is okay and just found a new place to hang out. At least she won't be populating the county with more feral cats. The other two were born here, so I don't think they will be going anywhere. They love me too much ;) Plus, they know they get fed daily. They do catch mice though, I have seen them with them enough.
Got my first trash panda/raccoon. Not even one night with the trap baited. Boom there it is. Giving it to the local trail and tree club gotta keep the local hunters loving me. Seems to be a young one. I was told to use sardines as bait. Seems they love em.that and I think since I havnt had a darn thing it can eat that it was pretty hungry
Got my first trash panda/raccoon. Not even one night with the trap baited. Boom there it is. Giving it to the local trail and tree club gotta keep the local hunters loving me. Seems to be a young one. I was told to use sardines as bait. Seems they love em.that and I think since I havnt had a darn thing it can eat that it was pretty hungry

I use cans of tuna. I punch holes in the can then wire it to the inside of the trap. Keeps them from tipping the trap over and stealing the bait. Plus it works for several trappings as they can't get the tuna out
I use cans of tuna. I punch holes in the can then wire it to the inside of the trap. Keeps them from tipping the trap over and stealing the bait. Plus it works for several trappings as they can't get the tuna out

Mine havnt tried to tip the trap over they arnt smart enough for that yet.but my god did this old sow chew the crap outta the can she was hungry. Gary just picked her up. When he opened the trap to put her in a transport cage she ran so fast into the other cage that she face planted into the bars. He said keep trapping as many as I can get they will take. They have a night huntand I think they are trying to repopulate the parcel they use. Coyotes cleaned out kits for a few years.
Marshmallows. That is what I have been told works like a charm and you can put them in a line leading them right into the trap. And they are yummy to snack on a few yourself ;)

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