
Well, I put up a short roost for these two fatty cochins. The other surprisingly climbs the ramp to roost. Unfortunately, the blues would rather climb under the roost than use it. Ungrateful balls of fluff.

Chickens. Pffft.

They were not trained well

Thanks! Minnie has beautiful birds.

Ha ha, thanks! As you can probably tell, I have it stacked up everywhere.
Hey all! thought I would pop by and see how everyone is. Ive been busy and havent been able to keep up on BYC.

Minnie, sorry to hear about your son. I have faith they will be able to figure out the right meds and get him healthy again! Keep you head up stay strong! Will say some prayers.

We have been busy as all get out around here lately. We still owned a house in town here and rented to some friends. those friends have now moved out and we busted hump to get the house ready for the market. hit the market wednesday after memorial day and it seems like people have been in and out of there non stop since. fingers crossed we start getting some offers! i look forward to getting that off my plate.

On the homestead, I have been fighting to break the cycle on feather mites. I deep cleaned both coops and have dusted all of my birds with a mix of DE and poultry dust. will have to repeat the dusting in a few more days. hopefully we get ahead of them. i have some hens looking pretty rough from it. live and learn and keep moving i guess.

Our broody BA has hatched 6 little chicks! one hen decided she was tired of being broody and i think she may have eaten 2 of her eggs she was sitting on so we tossed her back with the flock and tucked her remaining eggs under the other hen. They are so fun to watch!!it is amazing how well they chicks can nestle into the feathers of the hen and just disappear.

Garden is almost all planted and i picked up some strawberry and blueberry plants from the master gardners at the farmers market to plant today as well. Eggs are still selling like hotcakes at the market, so business is good!

Stay well all!
@KlopKlop Thanks, man! He is coming along. The meds he was on were making him want to eat all the time and he started putting on weight like he never has, which he could stand to gain a few pounds, but they were backing them down and maybe too fast. He went into an episode and ended up in a bad depression this time. They changed his medication, but now it makes him sick to his stomach. Frankly, I think the first one was better and they just needed to adjust his levels. You know some of these doctors, they know everything and we know nothing. We are taking him to some intensive classes on how to deal with having Bipolar and ways to help prevent episodes. It is a high success rate of keeping people from having to return to inpatient, so we are trying it.

Our garden is still not all planted, thanks to this rain! We got all the tomatoes in the other day, but the peppers are sitting on the patio and waiting to go in. We are using black fabric this year around those to keep the weeds down some. Potatoes are coming along, and I have onions with those. The cabbage family is growing well too. I had to go buy some broccoli because none of my seed was coming up. I guess I will buy all fresh for next time.

I have one more hatch to do so I can ship some chicks to SD, but otherwise I am done for the year. Since I am cutting back, there is no sense in putting anything else in, except maybe some Cornish with the Bucks.

I spent the day cleaning and sorting and moving birds. That is the real fun stuff
. I gotta get it done before I have to be gone all week. I sold all my adult White Silkies except one rooster. They also took a quad of Blue Silkies and some chicks. That helped open some small pens for sorting some bantams and moving them out of the brooder house.

My EEs have been running around for a few days now. From that pen, I have two BLRW hens, and one is broody. What a !)#(*%(*!!!! I have to hold her head and then pick her up with the other hand or she will shred me with her beak!!! I toss her out of the pen and close the gate, otherwise, she comes running back in and attacks me. Those have been the absolute worst broodies!! I am somewhat entertained by it though, I do have to admit.
On the homestead, I have been fighting to break the cycle on feather mites. I deep cleaned both coops and have dusted all of my birds with a mix of DE and poultry dust. will have to repeat the dusting in a few more days. hopefully we get ahead of them. i have some hens looking pretty rough from it. live and learn and keep moving i guess.

Garden is almost all planted and i picked up some strawberry and blueberry plants from the master gardners at the farmers market to plant today as well. Eggs are still selling like hotcakes at the market, so business is good!

Stay well all!

Good luck with the mites. What kind of poultry dust do you use? I've been looking at Manna Pro Poultry Protector just to have on hand, but it seems like a pre-treatment. I've been watching my heavily feathered birds more closely with the heat and humidity. Well, pretty much any bird that comes near me I pick up and check. Everyone is still dust bathing and I've been dumping DE everywhere. DH cleaned out the coop Saturday just because it was about that time. I also need to seal coat my roosts. What did I ever do before I had chickens?

I have one more hatch to do so I can ship some chicks to SD, but otherwise I am done for the year. Since I am cutting back, there is no sense in putting anything else in, except maybe some Cornish with the Bucks.

I spent the day cleaning and sorting and moving birds. That is the real fun stuff
. I gotta get it done before I have to be gone all week. I sold all my adult White Silkies except one rooster. They also took a quad of Blue Silkies and some chicks. That helped open some small pens for sorting some bantams and moving them out of the brooder house.

My EEs have been running around for a few days now. From that pen, I have two BLRW hens, and one is broody. What a !)#(*%(*!!!! I have to hold her head and then pick her up with the other hand or she will shred me with her beak!!! I toss her out of the pen and close the gate, otherwise, she comes running back in and attacks me. Those have been the absolute worst broodies!! I am somewhat entertained by it though, I do have to admit.

Your fingers are going to start twitching to toss a few eggs in the incubator. Give it time. You'll cave. Lol

You almost have me rethinking my great idea of getting some BLRWs next year. I need less crazy broody hens in my life. Who am I kidding? I'm still getting some.
Good luck with the mites. What kind of poultry dust do you use? I've been looking at Manna Pro Poultry Protector just to have on hand, but it seems like a pre-treatment. I've been watching my heavily feathered birds more closely with the heat and humidity. Well, pretty much any bird that comes near me I pick up and check. Everyone is still dust bathing and I've been dumping DE everywhere. DH cleaned out the coop Saturday just because it was about that time. I also need to seal coat my roosts. What did I ever do before I had chickens? :D

Your fingers are going to start twitching to toss a few eggs in the incubator. Give it time. You'll cave. Lol

You almost have me rethinking my great idea of getting some BLRWs next year. I need less crazy broody hens in my life. Who am I kidding? I'm still getting some.
psh that's the reason to have some breeds better than soaps.total chicken drama;)
Good luck with the mites. What kind of poultry dust do you use? I've been looking at Manna Pro Poultry Protector just to have on hand, but it seems like a pre-treatment. I've been watching my heavily feathered birds more closely with the heat and humidity. Well, pretty much any bird that comes near me I pick up and check. Everyone is still dust bathing and I've been dumping DE everywhere. DH cleaned out the coop Saturday just because it was about that time. I also need to seal coat my roosts. What did I ever do before I had chickens?

Your fingers are going to start twitching to toss a few eggs in the incubator. Give it time. You'll cave. Lol

You almost have me rethinking my great idea of getting some BLRWs next year. I need less crazy broody hens in my life. Who am I kidding? I'm still getting some.

That nasty hen has attacked me a few times when I pulled her off. Even if I walk passed her later after doing it, she attacks my boots. The wench. She hasn't bitten me yet though, I am smart enough after the last couple of years of dealing with her kind that I grab her head so she can't. My husband got a good laugh at that when I told him I how I move her.
That nasty hen has attacked me a few times when I pulled her off. Even if I walk passed her later after doing it, she attacks my boots. The wench. She hasn't bitten me yet though, I am smart enough after the last couple of years of dealing with her kind that I grab her head so she can't. My husband got a good laugh at that when I told him I how I move her.

I could happily kick back and watch the Minnie vs. Broody BLRW Show. I'd have to really think about which one I'd put money on.....
Well, I finally replanted my garden. I didn't plant as much, but it'll still do what I need it to do. I think I'll get some more sunflowers in the ground, too.

Hopefully everyone is keeping their chickens cool in this weather. I'm sure my broody hens are sweating it out right now....

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