
Thanks. I did get one in a cage trap, but the trap got bent on the wire that locks the door in place. Then they ate the cat food out of the hand traps because I didn't have them stuck in the ground. My brain isn't functioning properly. So, they are coming in by the two tractors, so I will get them tonight. They are set correctly and ready.
The sad news is, I think they got my kitty Jerome. If they did, I am going out with the gun tonight, and I am an excellent shot.
Jerome is my baby, and they better not have messed with him!
Thanks. I did get one in a cage trap, but the trap got bent on the wire that locks the door in place. Then they ate the cat food out of the hand traps because I didn't have them stuck in the ground. My brain isn't functioning properly. So, they are coming in by the two tractors, so I will get them tonight. They are set correctly and ready.
The sad news is, I think they got my kitty Jerome. If they did, I am going out with the gun tonight, and I am an excellent shot.
Jerome is my baby, and they better not have messed with him!
Oh no, I sure hope they didn't get your kitty
Jerome came back. I think he was out on Recon! He came around about 3:00 finally. He ate, then he started leading me over to the trees where the guys saw one come out the night before. He is a street smart cat, being born in the wild and all (in a log or our wood shed), and lived that way for the first 6-months of his life. He must be smart to have survived out there that long, so hopefully it will keep him safe now too.

I did get one little masked B)($#%! I wish it had been more because this was a young one. I need about 10 more of those hand hold traps!
You are such a good kid!

Well, we just got the mother of all storms. Three big trees are down, all the fruit trees we planted last year, one tree fell on the asparagus, our nice 10-year old Linden tree we loved is gone, the swing set garden... the swing set is blown down (must be the three hanging flower pots I put on it yesterday did it in
), branches everywhere, limbs everywhere, all my chicken and rabbit stuff is blown all over. What a mess. Oh well, I know what else I will be doing the rest of the week. It is a good thing I pulled up the garden this weekend, it would be covered by tree now anyway.
Looking on the bright side, the house is fine, even though it shook pretty hard for a while.
Oh Minnie. It seems as if its been one thing after another for you lately. I hope everything gets vetter over there and u have an easy time getting rids of all the blown down trees.

There was only one blown down tree here. It was in the pasture so by the time we saw it the cattle stripped it clean of leaves lol. It'll stretch out the pasture a little more.
We have a couple of spots we do big bonfires. The fruit trees did better than it looked last evening. The big ones that did come down were slated to come out anyway and we had been putting it off. Now we can drop what is left. The worst part is it is so muggy now!
We will get it taken care of. It stinks that it happened like this and that we lost some trees we didn't want to lose, but no one was hurt and we can fix what got broken.
I hope everyone else fared well enough and not too much damage.
minnie, hope the mess is done with from the storms. I had some trees down and stuff blown around, but amazingly, the tarps on the hoop coop with the 4 week old red rangers stayed on!

skipping kayaking this morning to get some stuff done in the garden. Been picking pie cherries (enough for a couple of pies), raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries are just coming in.

Had to fight off the catbirds who were going for the blueberries. I have some fruit tree netting that I got an auction a couple of years ago, this ginormous roll of it. I never could have afforded it, it is a couple of hundred bucks for this kind. I use some in the big chicken run as hawk protection. THe catbirds were furious - landing on top of the netting, fussing, etc - but I don't get enough blueberries to share.

down to just 2 broodies....

chickens were playing chase with a young rat - gross to see them trying to eat it. the coop is overrun with mice, and I really need to get a barn cat for it. I haven't had the 5 gallon bucket traps out because of the 7 chicks that hatched this spring - they are almost big enough not to drown in one.

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