Missing!!! 7 year old child-North Florida

That is so awful.

In Canada sex offenders weren't even required to register until 2004 and even now a lot of them aren't known by local police. We don't have a public sex offender list either, you guys are lucky for that at least, for some reason Canada thinks pedophiles deserve privacy.

I sure wish we had one though, when I have kiddos I would really like to know what kind of weirdos are in my area!!
when i checked to see how many were close to me i used http://www.meganslaw.com/ hope it helps ya. i got about 6 in my town most within a few blocks from me but there is tons of them within the surounding counties and our county u'd be amazed how many r out there it is sickning. i have 5 kid's and this whole town is nothing but kid's i don't see how they r allowed here either and some r not far from the schools and daycares but long as they r 1,000 yards i think it is or more away they can still get away with it here liveing close to them.

woops this is the right link but it is pa's- http://www.pameganslaw.state.pa.us/ it is free to access this one not sure if other states have these to or not.
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Great job, rainplace!
I have e-mailed my senators and reps so many times, they probably roll their eyes at me. I've received replies that indicate they haven't even read them (think John McCain), but a few send personal e-mails back. Some send them back right away, even on a Sunday evening!
I very rarely hand write a letter, but I wrote a thank you letter to the local Border Patrol once and got back a wonderful letter in response. I feel I will have to hand write some letters to politicians. Oh, and don't forget your local politicians!
very sad news,
they believe they have found her, I can't stop crying, even my big lug of a hubby is walking around here wanting to kick something. I'm so so sorry for this family
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well the dad apparently is out of state and living with the little girls aunt..but i read that the boyfriend sent the kids out to look for her and then told the mom 2 hours later that she was missing. my thought would be that if my kids came home and said a sibling was missing, i would call the cops, then the mom.


Does this sound suspiciously like the other little Florida girl who actually went missing in the middle of the night, and the g.f. didn't call anyone, waited until the dad got home from work about an hour or two later????? I think the mom was genuinely heartbroken over this; think how you would feel if it was someone you KNEW that did it. I could not even begin to imagine the rage and revenge that would be in my heart.

I think we need to start something to get the laws changed. It can't be STATE it has to be Federal. So many of them are doing their probation and whatever and then relocating. If they don't report their status as an offender, who is to know???? It has to be state to state, no mercy. . .who knows what to do???? This has to be done in a MASS amount of people at the same time . . .I am sick over this, that poor little girl and the last few moments of her life if it is her, and what she must have throught. Breaks my heart.

Hailey Cummings and the GF then wife now ex wife knows what happened to that little girl. She was lying in the bed next to her when she went missing!!!She has had a road rage incident and now her house was broken into. Scarey but they were looking into her brother or something! And then there is Trenton Dunkett who still is missing. Breaks my heart~
I heard this to briefly on the car radio. I am at the library now. I saw it on tv this morning and I said a prayer. My heart goes out to the poor mother and family. Why someone would do this to a little innocent child I don't know. It makes me sick!
I have 19 in a mile radius and scan out.......you will ^&%* there are soooo many! In san diego there where 43 in a mile radius no matter where you went.
I was just getting ready to post that.

It's a sad world.

Hopefully now that she has been found, they will know what happened and whoever did it will pay for their crimes.

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