Missing leg scales


11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
I do not think this is a case of scaly leg mites... but not sure. And, was not able to find any search specific enough for this issue.

Have a two year old hen alone in a pen with a 3 year old roo. I recently noticed that it seems she is loosing her foot and leg scales.
She is also moulting.
Do they sluff off leg scales sometimes at moult?
She has been dusted for lice and mites.
She does not seem agitated at all.
She eats and drinks and sleeps normally.
Her pen mate is not affected by this.
She has no sneeze or cough.
She is alert, and her eyes are clear.
She lays eggs at a normal rate, and her chicks are normal in every respect.

Could this be an allergy? Or as I asked does anyone know if they sluff off leg and toe scales too?
Is there a maintenance ointment I should put on her?

Thanks for your reply.
My Polish's leg was doing that and I couldn't see anything on her for the life of me. FINALLY I felt something crawling on me one day after coming out of the coop and discovered that it was mites. I first washed her legs gently with warm water and Dawn dish detergent and rinsed well. Then I mixed Sevin Dust in with Vaseline and caked it on her legs ever 2-3 days. It's amazing how fast it healed her legs! If you have DE, you can mix that with the Vaseline instead of the Sevin. Some people also spray the legs with Pam.
Thanks Nic!
Sounds simple enough, I'll give it a try. Don't have DE but do have sevin and vaseline.
I'll keep you posted.

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