What did you do in the garden today?

Woo hoo! Congratulations, I hope you feel much better!
It’s going to take a while to recover, I react badly to almost all pain medication, so the first few weeks after an operation are kind of miserable, I really envy people who recover in a tilidine “fog” and have little or no pain , me, my blood pressure crashes, I get sick to my stomach and other stuff, so none of the good stuff for me 🙄
Luffa is invasive?? I have to BEG it to grow here! :th

Oh, please, grow, little vine! Please flower, please make a gourd, please grow the gourd big enough to make a sponge-thingie before frost.
My friend tried growing luffa last year too, if she had had any surplus, we would have gotten some from her, but…I think only 3 germinated and she only harvested 1 luffa 😂
I turned a hard to mow area into poultry yard a few years ago. I noticed the next year only a couple ragweed and no cleavers or burdock. None of those the last few years..in that area, everywhere else it is growing. I have seen the turkeys eating the ragweed seeds. Snakeweed is taking over though.

I had to google snakeweed. just to find out I've got tons of it.
My driveway is 3 cars wide and almost 400 yards long.
We tried the salt, vinegar, dish soap thing one year. Didn't work.
Ditto. The gravel driveway is about 400 feet long. Tried vinegar, salt, Dawn & then an Orange oil but nutsedges, Bermuda grass & Johnsongrass still thrive. They may turn brown & appear dead but they resprout.

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