What did you do in the garden today?

The chicks turned 6 weeks old today. We got the coop finished up, and the run just had some finishing touches. Because the coop is done, the chickies got moved into their forever home! So, those stinkers are finally OUT of the garage! I'm trying not to be paranoid that we didn't predator-proof something and that I am going to wake up to dead chickens. Hopefully, I sleep well because it won't be as easy to check on them anymore!

Once the run is completely done, I can move on to getting the garden in the ground. I looked at my strawberries, and they're turning red already! I am so excited! I should get at least a small bowl full!
Woo hoo! Congratulations, I hope you feel much better!
It’s going to take a while to recover, I react badly to almost all pain medication, so the first few weeks after an operation are kind of miserable, I really envy people who recover in a tilidine “fog” and have little or no pain , me, my blood pressure crashes, I get sick to my stomach and other stuff, so none of the good stuff for me 🙄
Luffa is invasive?? I have to BEG it to grow here! :th

Oh, please, grow, little vine! Please flower, please make a gourd, please grow the gourd big enough to make a sponge-thingie before frost.
My friend tried growing luffa last year too, if she had had any surplus, we would have gotten some from her, but…I think only 3 germinated and she only harvested 1 luffa 😂

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