mites and worms


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 22, 2009
Central VA
I have seen posts about hens having mites and needing to be do I know if mine have these problems, and how to I manage it? I have only four hens that are 10 months old, all seem happy and healthy, good layers.
Mites/lice- You will notice that your hens will be scratching alot,losing feathers (unless it's a moult,which is about once a year), redness on their skin. You can visually inspect your hens by looking thru their feathers for crawling lice and checking their vent area for mites, eggs stuck to the base of feathers. Worms- Your hens will be lethargic, hardly eating nor drinking,not laying, not acting like a normal chicken should. It sounds like your hens are doing fine and have nothing to worry about. If you suspect your hens have any of these issues...just type in the search box, "lice/mites." If you suspect worms...I recommend you follow 'threehorses' directions on worming.

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