Mix and Matches Breeding Project Thread

Well, this is still in the 'wishful thinking stage', and not really a PLAN, but, I want to cross my white polish crested roo over my EE that lays light blue-green eggs and my cc legbar that is a two week old chick BUT should lay bright blue eggs to get fabulous crested easter eggers!
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And then cross my EE roo over my gold-laced polish crested (who are ALSO only 2 weeks old lol) for some blue and ???? crested easter eggers, and then have a little flock of funky, colorful, colored egg layers!
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But, the chicks won't be ready to breed (in my mind ) for at least another year, so this is all in the wishful thinking stage, although I may cross my EE roo over my slw next spring just for the fun of it!
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I love colorful egg and colorful chickens, and that is what I plan to breed for!
Okay. I want to see CLARDOLE chickens so bad! Both are such pretty birds :)
I googled vulture hocks, and saw it us a common fault in brahmas. . . I wonder if you could find a VH brahma rooster and cross him over the white americaunas? That would add the size in pretty handily, and provide another dose of the fluffy feets.
Good thinking! Not to mention a rooster with a defect would likely be cheap or free. And old enough to breed.

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