Mixed breeds~


Chicken Photographer
8 Years
Feb 5, 2015
Hello! I thought I'd start a thread about the mixed breeds in our backyard flock that we have bred ourselves!
Let's see what the results are!
Please post pics. of your mixed breeds that you have along with what their breeds are.
On this thread we can also help you determine what the mix breed might be if you don't know, and we can help each other out and chat!
Here is my mix between a Kockoo maroon (roo) and barred rock (hen)


I plan on doing another mix between a Buff Orpington (roo) and Lavender Cochin (hen)

Hope you join!
Have fun! :)
Does anyone know what a mix between a lavendar Cochin golden laced wayndotte would look like?
Is anyone out there trying to create their own breed or already have? I'm going to try to experiment very soon. :)
I've been doing the mixed breed thing for too long, I think

First is a pen of blue/splash blue eggers. Father was a splash Ameraucana, the hens were random project blue or green eggers, mostly blue, black or black barred. And the little silkie broody momma

Blue egger blue sex links. Cockerel in the back, pullet in the front. Splash Ameraucana rooster over barred Holland hens.

Not the greatest pic, but two of my favorite birds. Then hen in back is a bsl rooster over a slw hen. The male in front is my good bird Eric, he had a complicate lineage but is basically half Welsummer, half barnyard special.

One of my foundation hens for years. Brown Leghorn x Easter egger.

Offspring of the hen above with a bsl rooster. She laid huge pale blue/green eggs.

Sister the the hen above, same parents. Green egger.

Another sister to the above birds, same parents. Creamy pink egger.

Bsl rooster x slw hen. Looks a lot like a Dominique.

bsl rooster over.....maybe an EE hen? brown egger.

bsl rooster over slw and glw hens, respectively.

bsl rooster over EE hen. The blue bird has very faint barring that's hard to see. She was the mother of lots of my chicks for a few years, she was a green egger.

Donrae neat mixes! I love the splash/lavendar ones!

SpringPeeper do you think they could have some brown/lavender laced in them? :) All black like just that solid color?
Does anyone know what a mix between a lavendar Cochin golden laced wayndotte would look like?

Since lavender is recessive, unless you breed to another lavender bird it acts the same as black genetically. So in essance you'd be breeding a black bird to a gold laced bird. I believe that would give you black birds with incomplete lacing.

I've not heard of lavender cochins though. Are you sure your bird is lavender and not blue or splash? The genes are different.
Ok thank you. :)
Yes I got them form my feed store and they look like and the people said that they are lavendar Cochins. My profile pic. is of one of them.

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