Mixed heritage and birds with dubious parentage thread. (mutts)




These are some of the mutts i hatched this winter. My wife calls them austra-links.



These are some of the mutts i hatched this winter. My wife calls them austra-links.

I really like their red hackles and dark bodies. I'm assuming australorp roo over red sexlink?

Do the black feathers have that nice purple or green undersheen that is so hard to capture in a photo?

Very nice. I'd imagine the males dress out nicely.
Today is Day 15 of my incubating. Nine of thirty-six have the blood ring that says they're no longer developing, but 27 were very dark when candled.

These will be quite the barnyard mix. I have brown leghorns, cuckoo and black copper Marans, Cinnamon Queens, Rhode Island whites, Rhode Island reds, silkies, Easter eggers and one buff Orpington. All just mixed willy-nilly. I didn't think my silkies hen was "putting out" but 2 of the 3 eggs I set of hers are developing. Who could the father be?

If all goes well, I should have chick pictures soon.

These were a test run and are going to a friend.

I have breeding pens set up and will be collecting hatching eggs this week. The silkie has gone broody and two other hens may have as well. Between them and the incubator, I will have more chicks of my own soon, too.
They are actually australorp roo over black sex link. The two boys are the only ones who have any red in them. They do have that purple green shine to there feathers. They are super sweet and easy to handle. The one boy in the picture has the most red so far and is only about 3 1/2 months old. I will post some more pics of him when he gets a little older.
They are actually australorp roo over black sex link. The two boys are the only ones who have any red in them. They do have that purple green shine to there feathers. They are super sweet and easy to handle. The one boy in the picture has the most red so far and is only about 3 1/2 months old. I will post some more pics of him when he gets a little older.

Please do! I love the look of these guys. :)
They are actually australorp roo over black sex link. The two boys are the only ones who have any red in them. They do have that purple green shine to there feathers. They are super sweet and easy to handle. The one boy in the picture has the most red so far and is only about 3 1/2 months old. I will post some more pics of him when he gets a little older.

that is a good mix!

I was planning on putting my BA rooster with the BA hens and the BSL hens, I am glad to see what they look like, I know I will do it now.

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