Mixing A&M and jumbo browns

I had heard that the A&M were white meat and the Jumbo were dark. I'm more of a white meat guy, so idk if I'd like the jumbo or not. That's why I want to get both and see what I like.
I always heard that too but we have raised both and I really don't see much difference in the meat. The A & M will be a little lighter meat but not like white meat on a chicken. Of course it all is tasty to me.
Well I'm excited! I've been building on my coop for them. It's an old fly pen I used for roosters. I'm building the pen inside of a pen. That way raccoons will have to put up a serious fight to get in. I've had them coons wipe me out before. Not this time! Ive been putting alot of thought into this.
Mike, Yes, I intend to do the same thing. Also, I will be selecting my breeders from the biggest Texas A&Ms that I have, to ensure that I only get the biggest the breed has to offer. My smaller hens will be used for eggs and small roos will be culled and consumed.

I just really wish A&M were easier to sex. I had the hardest time figuring it out last time I had 5 and I have a bunch in the incubator now due this next week. I am going to have to spend a lot of time watching the brooder and grow-out cage and maybe start marking or separating them as I manage to sex them.
I plan on doing the same thing ,getting new eggs from a diff. source ,every couple yrs ,. Perhaps we can send each other some eggs ,and trade to keep new blood for a while .These are my first batch of a&ms ,they are only 4 wks. old and havent started laying yet. But it wont be long , the males have already started to crow .
I live in Lillian Al. ,just across the bay from Pensacola . I am getting about 60 to 70 a&m eggs a day . I would be glad to trade some with you . I am in the process of selecting about 50 of my finest birds to keep as breeders .It is quite a job picking from about 300 -that have just started laying .I am trying to find a market for the eggs ,in bulk quantities . I never really thought about what to do with all those eggs . When I was only getting about a doz. per day ,I would keep putting them into the incubator . But now it's getting out of hand .
I had a game rooster just like the one in your picture . A coon went up the tree that he and two hens were roosting in , and caught one of the hens. Pulled her tail feathers out . From the evidence that I found the cock fought off the coon ,they both went to the ground and I heard the commotion ,and went out and found the gamecock on the ground. He was a bloody mess. The ground was covered with feathers ,and coon hair .Unfortunately I had to put him down . His wounds were too major ,his head was punctured too deep . I found the coon back up in the same tree,and sent him to critter hell on the 22 express . That rooster had given him a fight ,he was beat up pretty good. He was a big ol boar coon too . I hated to lose that ol game cock he was the boss .
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