Mixing Breeds in the Flock


I'm a first time chicken owner & I have a mixed flock(all from hatcheries). They are all about the same age ranging from 16-20 weeks, no eggs yet.
They seem to all get along quite well. No major injuries or fighting so far. I do NOT have a rooster & don't plan on getting one. Their breeds are (2)Wyandotte, Andalusian, Leghorn, Rock, Australorp & (2)Marans and I really like ALL of them

I'm a first time chicken owner & I have a mixed flock(all from hatcheries). They are all about the same age ranging from 16-20 weeks, no eggs yet.
They seem to all get along quite well. No major injuries or fighting so far. I do NOT have a rooster & don't plan on getting one. Their breeds are (2)Wyandotte, Andalusian, Leghorn, Rock, Australorp & (2)Marans and I really like ALL of them

Congrats! My chickens start laying at 4 months old (White Leghorns) to 6 months old (Easter Eggers). Black Australorps & Plymouth Rocks/Barred Rocks by 5 months. Gotta make sure you have plenty of light for them (14-15 hours). A
I have 2 Ameraucana's, 2 Black Sex Links, and 2 Barred Rocks. They were 3 days when I got them and a month old now I've not had any trouble at all and they hang out with whichever breed is nearest to them.
Very interesting thread.

I'm new to the chicken world..and of the first 4 chicks we brought home at 1 week old in December....3 of 4 are cockerels. 2 100%, and one I'm just in denial about.....cuz he's the runt of the group.
ANYWAY-- I'm hooked.
So--We are looking to get some pullets...and I have an interest in having a mixed flock..and having a few breeds.

This first attempt--is svart hona..and they are loves, BUT are only 8 weeks old...so
I want to find some I can mix in there with them.

We kept 2 svarts...the breeder took the 2 larger birds back. We do not need 3 roosters....and actually will most likely
not keep this one either. We are just starting out and breeding does not appeal to us.
A flock does better with a rooster, it's just Mother Nature's way. I hastily got rid of my rooster in my first flock because we're not supposed to have them in my town. Afterwards I just kept my roosters, thinking that if someone complained loudly enough, I would get rid of them then. Nobody bothered me about it.

I've never had more than one rooster per flock though.
A flock does better with a rooster, it's just Mother Nature's way. I hastily got rid of my rooster in my first flock because we're not supposed to have them in my town. Afterwards I just kept my roosters, thinking that if someone complained loudly enough, I would get rid of them then. Nobody bothered me about it.

I've never had more than one rooster per flock though.

Roosters aren't any louder than some people's dogs. Good for you.

Honestly...I'm regretting getting rid of the 2 cockerels. The one was THE friendliest of the 4...not that the others are not friendly...he was just
the most. Being new to it all..and having nobody around that raises chicken..I'm learning as I go. My Pap raised chickens, but he has been gone for many years.
I'm bound to make mistakes...and letting those 2 go back to the breeder..I now consider a mistake.
Hind site is 20/20 is said for a reason.
We're getting a mixed flock this year. We are starting with day old chicks so hopefully they'll get along. We've ordered (all female):
2 Rhode Island Red
1 Welsummer
1 Golden Cuckoo Maran
1 Blue Splash Maran
1 Light Brown Leghorn
1 Silver Gray Dorking
3 Easter Eggers
2 Creasted Cream Legbar
2 Blue Favaucana
1 Super Blue Layer
We're getting a mixed flock this year. We are starting with day old chicks so hopefully they'll get along. We've ordered (all female):
2 Rhode Island Red
1 Welsummer
1 Golden Cuckoo Maran
1 Blue Splash Maran
1 Light Brown Leghorn
1 Silver Gray Dorking
3 Easter Eggers
2 Creasted Cream Legbar
2 Blue Favaucana
1 Super Blue Layer

Sounds great! They'll get along fine. It is so pretty to see a mixed flock out and about in your area for them. Each has a different personality and you'll love 'em all. Great job!

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