Mixing diff age chicks


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2020
Hey guys:)
I’m new here.
I currently have an Amber link, 2 barred rocks, and one red sex link in the brooder. They are 3 weeks old today.
tomorrow I get 10 pullets in the mail.
mixed breeds, We planned on putting a separator between the two brooders, like chicken Wires they could still see each other. Do you think once the babies are five days old we could take the divider out?


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I would take the dividers out. That way the chicks are integrating at a young age and will be a good flock when they're older.

Just keep a close eye on them so that the older ones are not picking on the little ones. Having more than one feeder/water is good too so they don't have any competition.
Hey thanks for the input! Should I wait till 5 days old or do it earlier before the 3 week ones get any bigger? It’ll be 10 newbies w 4 older ones so I thought being outnumbered would help
Divider is a good idea, you can try removing it after about a week or so and watch how the 2 groups interact. Some bullying is normal, but not to the point of injury, or if the younger ones aren't being allowed to eat.
the brooder is 8ft by 4ft. Divider right in the middle. Water and food on each end.
I’m going to pick up our chicks as soon as the post office opens!!
So far all seems well. The pullets made their way though the chicken wire so we modified it

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