MJ's little flock

I love that sound but I don’t think if it as growling. Maggie makes that noise and it seems to be when she is mildly dissatisfied with something. She did it just now when she realized my leg was in the way of her passage between my chair and a planter and she had to turn around and go round the long way.
Mildly dissatisfied. Interesting. I need to pay more attention to when Aurora does it.
I love the cream color you have chosen to paint it as well. Lovely choice.
Thanks. It helps the funrun blend in with the back fence and helps make the backyard visually peaceful. The paint seems to be washed by the rain.
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So spacious. I am certain they are going to love it! This was very helpful to understand the size of the new enclosure. I can't wait to see it all arranged the way you want it.

Congrats on having it completed. 👏
It was a wet weekend so I couldn't do much outdoor work. Instead, I drew up some revised concept sketches for the roost. They still need at least one more draft, but when they're ready I'll share them here for feedback.
The struggle against the pigeons, sparrows and finches is almost over. I've bIocked the pigeons access under the wide doors with bricks. The struggle against the sparrows and finches continues. Every time I block an entrance, they find another. The good news is that it only takes one brick to close off a sparrow door.
I believe (touch wood) that the sparrows and finches have been thwarted. I spent some time watching them encounter the defences and identify new weak points to exploit, so I need more time before I can be confident of having bested them. But it's looking good because the funrun had no sparrows when I went out this morning.
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I think they call that brainwashing. :lau
How do you like my new Japanese bantams???


I believe (touch wood) that the sparrows and finches have been thwarted. I spent some time watching them encounter the defences and identify new weak points to exploit, so I need more time before I can be confident of having bested them. But it's looking good because the funrun had no sparrows when I went out this morning.
Damn. A sparrow in the run.

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