MJ's little flock

So, I didn’t have much of the probiotic powder left, hubby ordered some more. I made a concentrated liquid (but no idea of the strength because the scales didn’t even register the powder!) I figured some was better than none and I’ve syringed 8ml into Nyssa today (much to her utter disgust). I’m hoping the order will arrive tomorrow and I can just put the correct dose in the water, so they all get some.

I’ve also been thinking that her feathers have looked a bit tatty for a while. They reminded me a bit of Sansa. What do you think?

So, I didn’t have much of the probiotic powder left, hubby ordered some more. I made a concentrated liquid (but no idea of the strength because the scales didn’t even register the powder!) I figured some was better than none and I’ve syringed 8ml into Nyssa today (much to her utter disgust). I’m hoping the order will arrive tomorrow and I can just put the correct dose in the water, so they all get some.

I’ve also been thinking that her feathers have looked a bit tatty for a while. They reminded me a bit of Sansa. What do you think?

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Yes they remind me of Sansa's. But everyone's remind me of Sansa's right before they molt. Hattie’s feather shredder gene make them look like that as the year goes on. The problem Sansa had was the new ones grew in as only stems. That's when I knew she had a big problem.
So, I didn’t have much of the probiotic powder left, hubby ordered some more. I made a concentrated liquid (but no idea of the strength because the scales didn’t even register the powder!) I figured some was better than none and I’ve syringed 8ml into Nyssa today (much to her utter disgust). I’m hoping the order will arrive tomorrow and I can just put the correct dose in the water, so they all get some.

I’ve also been thinking that her feathers have looked a bit tatty for a while. They reminded me a bit of Sansa. What do you think?

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I think she's been ruffling them as she goes to and from the nest.
Even when completely healthy, chickens do live short lives compared to other pets like cats and dogs.
It seems to be going that way unfortunately. However, this is not a reflection of the species; it's how we've bred them. My uncle had 10 and 12 year olds. My sister had a sixteen year old which she entered in some club record.
11 and older while not common in the tribes due to predation, one could see was indeed possible by those who got there.
One of my friends has 3 13 year old hens.
Speckled Hen here on BYC had one or more 12 year olds.
I can think of a few others that have elderly hens.
I consider myself very lucky to have made it through to almost three years. Mark the vet has a lot to do with that, especially with respect to keeping Peggy alive.

Oh. I forgot little baby Magnus. Squashed by Peggy earlier this year. So that's only 8 months with no deaths.
Would you do it all again?

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