MJ's little flock

But if a hen mates with multiple roosters, how does she choose who is going to fertilise her eggs?
I'm not entirely sure. The multiple rooster mating isn't something that occurs in a natural setting. Waylaid by a single rogue rooster is possible. Here it is very difficult for a rooster from another tribe and even the cockerels of the same tribe to mate with an unwilling hen.
I can't stop saying this. I told you she was special. I love that girl. 🥰
She's delightful.

But she's bottom of the pecking order, so I think her decision to be a lap chicken was more about her thumbing her nose at the flock than anything else.
I herd chickens every night!! I have a forked stick I use to gently guide them the way I want them to go. Rex has become a great chicken herder! If one sneaks off into the woods, I'll give him the command to 'find the chicken', he'll go into the woods and use his nose to push them toward the house. Once they are back over the creek and on the lawn, Rex lets them alone and they usually pair back up with the flock. I'm quite proud of the dog Rex is becoming, and I honestly didn't think I would ever trust him.
What a great dog!
She is just SO pretty!! I do especially love the bit of purple still on her tail.🥰
I think it's there for the duration. It seems to have faded so far, then no more.

I'm so happy no ones plucking her tail any more. She was so sad when each feather was plucked, just a little twitch and a little eep noise :(:(:(:hit
I'm not entirely sure. The multiple rooster mating isn't something that occurs in a natural setting. Waylaid by a single rogue rooster is possible. Here it is very difficult for a rooster from another tribe and even the cockerels of the same tribe to mate with an unwilling hen.
Here is a conversation I never pictured myself having.

She can eject his stuff afterwards. If they were immediately back to back I expect she could eject both our keep both. That would be extremely rare I would think.

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