MJ's little flock

And season determines laying, right? But perhaps not as strongly as daylight determines moulting?

So because Ivy was a very late hatch, her laying is aseasonal. Does that seem right?

I'm very curious about these things.
It is the number of hours of light that determines laying. That is why in egg production farms they provide supplemental light to make the days seem longer to the hens.

Ivy's egg laying should follow the number of hours of daylight as well. Now new hens will lay with less daylight than more established hens.
It is the number of hours of light that determines laying. That is why in egg production farms they provide supplemental light to make the days seem longer to the hens.

Ivy's egg laying should follow the number of hours of daylight as well. Now new hens will lay with less daylight than more established hens.
Can you tell this to Snow and Belle? Hahaha, 26 weeks and counting. They are lucky they are pretty and I love them very much 😉
It is the number of hours of light that determines laying. That is why in egg production farms they provide supplemental light to make the days seem longer to the hens.

Ivy's egg laying should follow the number of hours of daylight as well. Now new hens will lay with less daylight than more established hens.
Ivy marches to the beat of her own drum I guess. She moulted when the days were long and she's laying now the days are shorter.

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