Model with a 20 inch waist...

I like em with a little junk in the trunk but she doesn't have any junk or a trunk to put it in.
She still has breasts and a butt so she still has some fat on her. She really could have a over active metabolism and its only anorexia if she starves herself.

Most likely implants. Yes, some women get butt implants.
Not sure about the bum, but breasts could be fake. When a woman loses weight, or is very thin, usually the breasts are the first to go, since they are pretty much all fatty tissue.(Unless you are fortunate and start out large, so there is something left when the desired weight is reached, or are just born tiny with larger breasts. However, these woman aren't usually this thin.) There are pectoral muscles there, but again, not sure she has much muscle on her. In fact,her bum may be the only place there is a little muscle. You can see her glutes every function when she walks.

I knew that when you lose or gain weight usually the breasts get bigger or smaller so I was thinking since she still had some she might just happen to be that thin. I didn't think about them being fake.
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Most models have breast implants (and sometimes butt implants) because so few women can be ultra slim and have boobs and a butt. I know some people who are unusually thin and what I've noticed is that, yes, they do eat regularly, but their appetites are strange. They are often very hungry sometimes and not hungry at all other times. They don't pay attention to how much or how little they eat, they just eat according to their appetite. This woman is probably eating a lot less than she realizes because she's not deliberately trying to starve herself and not hungry all the time.
My GF has a 21 or 22 in ...but the body to match it.   that woman to tall and her body doesn't match.''

Wendy before you ask not the girl in my profile pic on facebook either.

:eek: You've been cheating on me!!?? :smack
My head is bigger than her waist! I had to measure... I have a 33" waist. So more than 50% bigger than she has. I could stand to lose about 15 pounds though.

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