Molting or Other?


Dec 16, 2020
Hello! I recently was given 2. 1 year old hens and was told that one was molting. As I’ve done some more research I’m not as convinced it’s molting and am wondering what others think? Thanks!


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That is not entirely out of the question but it is a big odd for the molting to be just located in that area. I'd worry first of mites or something along those lines. Its possible its just molting just seems a little "off" to me.
That is not entirely out of the question but it is a big odd for the molting to be just located in that area. I'd worry first of mites or something along those lines. Its possible its just molting just seems a little "off" to me.

x2. I'd check carefully for mites/lice. Also possible she was being picked on by other birds at her previous home.
1 year old hens and was told that one was molting. As I’ve done some more research I’m not as convinced it’s molting and am wondering what others think?
12 months old.....or closer to 24 months old?
Looks more like pecking than molting...I see no pin feathers there.

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