Mom might have to go to the hospital tonight...Update pg.7

Hi! I'm so sorry it's been a long time without an update. I haven't really had much time to get on the computer. Mom and the baby are doing great. He has a name now! His name is Joshua Garrett. mom said that when he was born and she saw him for the first time, she said he didn't look like a Jack and he didn't look like a Trace and the first name that she though of when she saw him was Joshua. We call him Josh though.
Mom and Josh got to come home about 4 days ago. When I heard that they were coming home that day, I made a banner out of construction paper that said "Welcome Home Mom Dad and Joshua!" and hung it on the doorframe into the livingroom. They were so happy. Mom is doing really well. Day before yesterday though she was feeling really good and so we decided to go to Babies 'R' Us to go get a few little things. Apparently we overdid it. The next day she felt really tired and really sick and said that even just talking was exhausting. We all felt so bad for her. But thankfully she is feeling way better now. We learned our lesson and, even though she's feeling good, taking it nice and easy. Thank y'all so much for your support. We all appreciate it so much.
And sorry again for going a long time without an update.

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