As always we had a great time. Always good to see so many BYC members.


BYC table


Had a GREAT day!!!
Went home with nothing... so I thought DH bought some silkies eggs from Judy (oldtimegator)

Thanks sooooo much Judy.. I am putting them in tonite...

My DD called from Japan her water broke
I am almost a GRANDMA
I will be sitting on the phone best part it is my other DD birthday is tomorrow thats today in Japan..Would'nt it be great if they have the same B-day...

Yvonne no rain till everyone was packing up
sorry we missed you
My name is Karen Malmberg and I'm getting married August 7 of this year. My Fiancee lives in Jacksonville FL in a subdivision that does not allow chickens of course. I have sold and or found new homes for gosh maybe 170 chickens so far. I have maybe 40 left to go and I have not raised any this year because of the move.

I love chickens and have raised and shown chickens since I was a kid in 4-H. I have lived in Iowa my whole life, I'm 42 and I been lucky to live most of my life on a farm. No kids except my chickens and never been married. I am active in my local club and I am the publicity director for the modern bantam game club of America. I love traveling to shows and bringing my show birds when I can. I have had lots of different breeds but most recently I've had ameraucanas, modern game bantams and black copper marans.

There are three that I do not want to part with. They have names and are pets. One in particular whose name is Emma loves to be carried around and begs for treats. If I had to I guess I would choose to only keep her but it hurts. The other two hens are named Cherry and Cuddle. I can't part with Emma.

So here I am asking. Do you know of anyone that might be able to help me that is nearby so I could visit my girls? Does anyone know of somewhere in or near Jacksonville Florida where I could keep three chickens? They are healthy. I can provide any health papers you might want.

Please don't hesitate to contact me. They are standard sized and accustomed to free ranging if it helps. I want them to be my birds that are kept temporarily at your place. Maybe for a small fee?

Thanks for your time,

Karen Malmberg

319 325-1116

[email protected]
I'm sure you've been asked this before...why are you moving into a subdivision that won't allow chickens? I know the housing market is tough, but couldn't you compromise on a place where you could at least have a few hens?

I'm saying this because I am in a subdivision that also doesn't allow them and I am fortunate to have my daughter who lives in a rural place not too far from me so I can have them there. If I had it to do over, I would have insisted that we sell BOTH of our houses and find a suitable house where I could have a few chickens. I compromised and moved into HIS house after we got married and I cannot tell you how much I have missed farm life. I had hoped it would get better...but I miss it more and more each year. Life it too short to miss something you love this much!!

OK..I'm stepping away from the soapbox

Edited to add that I would be happy to help you out but I'm in Gainesville....a little over an hour away. If you can't find anyone closer, let me know.
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Okay here's some more details.

My fiancee already owns a home that he purchased before I came into the picture. Because of the market we would take a horrible financial loss on a wonderful place to live. It is in a subdivision that does not allow chickens. I agreed to move in there as his wife knowing that. We had long discussions about my moving and what it would mean. I had to convince him it is okay. It's my choice. I love him way more than my chickens.

It won't be forever. We have discussed moving after he retires so that I can have chickens.

I am still attending shows, putting out the chicken newsletter and keeping my subscription to poultry press. I am not cutting chickens out of my life if there is anything I can do about it.

Frank is very supportive of my hobby and goes to shows, listens to my chicken tales, he knows some of their names and helps me with them.

Maybe I need to look in the Jacksonville paper? Are there places in Jacksonville that allow chickens?

I need a miracle. And patience.

I just might take you up on that Gainesville idea!

Karen there are several people from jacksonville who have chickens so they are allowed in some areas share acres, featherbaby,mathace,sewingca and several more that I can think of off hand
Sounds like you have a plan.
I know how bad the housing market is. Tthere are good people closer to you. Perhaps you could PM the members that SugarSands mentioned in the post above and let them know your predicament. If all else fails, let me know!! At least you know you have a back-up if you have trouble finding someone closer.
We will be there so far we will be bringing some chicks RIR's and barred rocks maybe a 4 month old white cochin cockerel I have and a 3 mo old Light Brahma cockerel as well I am hoping to pick up some eggs from chickenzoo Its getting pretty hot so be sure to bring plenty of water for your birds and alittle shade if possible

Yvonne do you have any more blue ameracaunas The chicks we got from you turned ou to be 3 cockerels and one pullet I would love a few more pullets if you have any.
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