They have the 2cool personal fans at Wally world in the hardware dept next to the other fans. They also have some in sporting goods dept too. I don't think the ones they sell in the sporting goods dept. work on electricity like the ones in the hardware dept do. I looked at both and I think the one in the hardware dept. had an AC adaptor and the fan in the sporting goods dept didn't have an AC adapter and only worked on the batteries. Micki and I love ours!!! They work great... I have an inverter in my car so I can run my fan on either AC or batteries. I bring along an extension cord so I can put my fan where ever I need it when I use it on AC, but like Micki said it lasts over 60 hours on 8 D cell batteries.
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I have started letting my chickens free range in my LARGE pigs' pen. There is a LARGE island of palmento bushes and many trees.
The chickens seem to love my pigs' stall, too.

They spend about 3 hours in there in the morning - - - then they return to the HOT chicken coop and run area to lay their eggs.
In the evening , I let them go back to the pigs pen for a treat from the HOT day.

I think it keeps their morale up. They HAPPILY return to the coop after a couple of hours exploring the pigs pen.

IT is too funny. My neighbor called me the pied piper because of the way it looks while I leading them from pen to coop and vice verse.
My grandson took this picture of his OEG mille fluer rooster taking advantage of a free ride. They love to dig around the pens and eat with our pigs
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I missed the swap. I thought it was next week. We have been adding on pens and forgot all about it.
I've told the store owners, every time we have gone that I appriciate them putting on the swap.
I also, always buy something, and bring my own TP.
you CANNOT please all the people all the time
I think that some just look for things to complain about
That's a cute pic of the bantam on the pig lol. My dh thought it was gross that I *let* (like I could stop them lol) the chickens dig under the rabbit hutch to eat bugs.
I just told him you all let them eat in the piggy poo pens and he said "EWWWW" lol, he's such a wuss about some things. We used to have a potbelly pig named Moses. I left him with my mom in AZ when we moved so he wouldn't have to deal with the long trip out here. She spoils him rotten so its all good. I'm thinking about getting a milk goat now.
I need 1 - 2 young pullets - - around 2 months old.
I had a hen who hatched out only one chick. The mommy is tired of being a mommy and wants to return to the flock.
The baby chick will have nobody to hang with if I can not find her a playmate or two.

LOOKING FOR 1 or 2 young pullets (around 2 months old).

PLEASE, don't wait till the swap . . .
IF you are local - JAcksonville AREA - - - please pm me and let me know what you have.

I am looking for a standard sized breed who will lay good size eggs . . ..

I am giving my own post a bump - - - come on BYC members, , , , ,

I know there are at least 10 of you that attend this swap on a regular basis. I need one or two pullets age 2 months for my single check that hatched in May. If you have any pullet chicks in this age group = = =please pm me. I don't want to wait until the swap.

Thank you.
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Math ace Sorry I come to the swaps every month but I am in Perry. PM Chickenzoo, The Ranch, there are a few more locals Try looking in the Florida page of Where am I Where are you on the first page it lists all the people registered from Jacksonville
Math ace, try Craigslist or chickenzoo.

I'm not sure if I'll be at this coming swap. I'm due Sept. 15th. If I haven't gone into labor then it will just depend on the heat and if my body wants to move.

If anyone wants Silkies or Showgirls, I have young ones (don't know sex) and the only adults I have is roosters. You can email me at [email protected] for them. You'll need to come by my house to get them/see them.
I've been watching craigslist and sent an email to the ranch. Chicken zoo will be next. She has been selling off a lot of her adult birds, so I don't know if she'll have chicks. I'll check with her soon

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