More Autumn Pictures (picture heavy)

Nope no new video's yet! I will take one tomorrow and show you the "morning routine". They always reassert the pecking order, every morning, without fail. It is great entertainment lol!

I am treating Joon with iodine on the scabs, and vitamin/electrolyte water for the entire flock. I do not have the space to do a proper isolation, and fowl pox seems to be quite contagious. Basically I am letting her fight it off with a little natural aid, and am treating the entire flock the same way. Luckily all these girls are robust and healthy, plus the youngest I have are 20 weeks old, so I am pretty sure their immune system is stable enough to fight it off. And so far it is just the dry pox, there are no other signs of ill feeling.

I think Monica is getting closer to laying too, I caught her rummaging around in Munk and Joon's coop and nestboxes lol.

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